Personal floating device

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Personal floating device

Post by Engimage »

I know this idea is generally game changing. But I am sure that at the point where you maxxed out your technologies this makes sense.
I am talking about a module for personal armor which would allow player to permanently float. It may be Jetpack or Antigrav module. This module would require quite a lot of energy thus leaving player with the lack of shields etc. But for pieceful life this can solve multiple problems:
1. Navigating dense bases
2. Preventing belt sliding
3. Preventing train kills
4. Making building straight things like belts or pipes easier due to no collision
5. Allows passing over walls/water (why not even if allowing building on islands?)

Adding more of the same module to your grid will increase floating speed effectively replacing exoskeleton module for this purpose.

As an option (though I do not really like it) this module might be activatable while consuming really much energy thus allowing only limited time flight.
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Re: Personal floating device

Post by ssilk »

Well, you are not the first who wanted a jetpack:

search.php?keywords=jetpack&terms=all&a ... mit=Search
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