TL;DR: I Suggest a way/ mechanic that makes players move on normal speed on Conveyor Belts (no automatic moving, no speed-up, no slow-down). Building Concrete under the Conveyor Belt as a toggle for this would be an idea. Or a Powerarmer plugin (hovering^^).
I really love the game.
I don't like building in my tight as a virgin factory.
Conveyor Belts in all directions everywhere, mostly filled with stuff, so you can't even see which way they're going (yes I know, I'm doing it wrong). So an ability to disable automaticaly moved around and placing my stuff all over the place, except where it should go, is kind of anoying, this is a bigger problem with higher tech belts of course. And i find it important to keep the normal state of belts to move you. It's natural, it's normal, it's physics and alot of people build themselfs "highways", conveyors just to run through their productions faster. If that movement would go away for example with concrete under the belt, it would change almost nothing. You wouldn't see it, so you could still make your factory all Concrety. A new description for Concrete would be important though (maybe even a special kind of concrete, just to make things extra complicated?) A hover Plugin for Power Armor would be more realistic, more immersive, but less configurable (all belts or no belts) and kinda weird, if that's the only function.
I love you all (Dev's, Other Teammembers, Forum crawlers, Modders, Supporters and especially YOU )
PS: When creating an account, you can answer the question "Are you a robot?" with "Yes" (default), "No" (What you should do) and "I don't know". "I don't know" is accepted, which was quite funny IMO. Inclusive towards the mentally challenged, are we?
Player Movement on Conveyor Belts
Moderator: ickputzdirwech
Re: Player Movement on Conveyor Belts
Added to the list viewtopic.php?f=80&t=22305 Walking on Belts (New Power Armor module)
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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Re: Player Movement on Conveyor Belts
Okay, Thanks ssilk
I searched a bit and didn't find anything, but I was quite sure someone had the idea before, also I'm quite new.
I searched a bit and didn't find anything, but I was quite sure someone had the idea before, also I'm quite new.