Gameplay enhancements

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Gameplay enhancements

Post by rtssmkn »

Factorio Gameplay Enhancements

Let the player work for the home base. While having the ultimate goal of sending out a rocket is fine, it would be nice to have additional goals that need to be reached.
Ever played Pharao or similar such games? Here, the Pharao will call upon the player to deliver goods and if the player fails to do so, the Pharao will send out an army
to teach the player a lesson...

1. Player needs to establish a satellite communications network for being able to communicate with the base

2. Player then gets orders from base, e.g. send us XXX resources until YYY

3. In order to fulfil that, the player needs to

3.1 build and continuously expand an orbital station from where the resources will then be shipped
building the parts for the orbital station could be similar but less resource intensive than for example building the rocket
build bots need to be send including needed parts in smaller rockets

3.1.1 expanding means that more shipments can be made or shipments can be transported faster, think a sequence of wormholes here, which the player needs to build
(stargate SG1, anyone?) and once the space elevator is in place, the smaller rockets are no longer needed and the available facilities can then be used for producing the big one

3.2 build and expand a space elevator for transporting the resources to the orbital station

3.2.1 expanding means that the space elevator will become faster with increased capacity for transporting goods

3.3 transport and unload the resources into the space elevator

The kinds of orders taken from base would then be something along the line of e.g. deliver 100 build bots or deliver 500 fast belts and so on.

In turn, the player will receive via shipments from base for example much needed ammunition, science packs etc.
This might also be reflected by additional new achievements that the player can get, e.g. Base Fortifier (when delivering much needed fortifications such as laser turrets) and so on.

This might require tweaking the number of available resources since a lot of these now go into fulfilling base requirements.
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Re: Gameplay enhancements

Post by Kayanor »

Moved from Bug Reports to Ideas and Suggestions on request by OP.
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Re: Gameplay enhancements

Post by ssilk »

I think some of the mods fulfill this suggestion already more or less.

Nonetheless I added it to viewtopic.php?f=80&t=24090 Collection of End-Game-Ideas / Enhancing Endgame
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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