Game option to select a longer day and night cycle. (like those under graphic )
This would not change ratio between day and night just make both longer
Why- in beginning game the cycle is very fast (more of a annoyance), but once power suit with night vision is reach becomes less of a problem. (maybe intended?)
Note: option to change ratio Day-Night cycle to more night (bad solar) could be interesting game option for Dark planets .
Example: planet in "Pitch black" day light all the time except random event total dark. maybe bitters become super active.
Day-Night cycle extender selction in game options
Moderator: ickputzdirwech
Re: Day-Night cycle extender selction in game options
I like the idea. Especially for solar power it's a nice idea that i have to adopt to different situation (it should be configurable at gamestart). Imho it should not only be the length of the cycle but the ratio too
Re: Day-Night cycle extender selction in game options
There are similar notes: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=30682 Make night brightness moddable
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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