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Post by Debuff »

As I loaded my game today I was thinking about why this guy never has to use the bathroom. No, I do not want a bathroom mechanic. That made me think, however, about a more realistic mechanic: FOOD.
PS: I spent like three hours writing this, please read it :D I think it is seriously considerable.

If you are stranded on an alien planet, wouldn't you still need to eat? I thought about it a bit and I think that having a food bar that goes down 20-40 percent each factorio day, (or maybe the rate scales with how much moving, crafting, or other energy-taking tasks you do) and that you fill by eating food would be a good mechanic to add. Allow me to explain:
Factorio is a game about automation, right? So basically, the more you get to automate and create assembly form, the richer the game? I think this is a large part of why the food mechanic could be added. It adds just another thing that is unique but still necessary that requires thought to set up, like iron mines or energy generation stations. Generally I think this would take the form of large scale farms, but I'll talk about that later. As to the specifics of the mechanic:

Let's say when your ship crashed you find a few herbs or plants aboard the wreckage. You can eat these and stay sustained for approximately 30-50 factorio days (The time would depend on how the mechanic was actually implemented). You notice that you are going to run out of food, so you need to grow some. The alien soil is inhabitable for the scraps you found on your ship, so you are forced to research ways to create sustainable food using the soil. This would involve probably a two stage research process for early game, one giving you access to search trees for nuts, berries, etc that naturally can grow in the soil here. The next would probably give you access to the hoe tool, watering can, and wooden fence (to border the farm). Eventually higher research might propose irrigation devices, fertilzers to boost soil quality, etc. One particular research would start perhaps a new chain of carnivorism, based on the animal life (biters, spitters, ...)-

Primarily my idea was to grow plants, but as I write this, more comes to mind. I'll start with plants. As I said before, the research would let you search trees for food scraps- I suppose that you would have a 30% chance to find some sort of growable seed or nut every time you mine a tree, and maybe a 3% chance to find a fruit. These seeds could range in a variety of forms, and you can basically make them up since this is an alien planet. They would be grown in hoed soil, and it would take a lot of these fully grown seeds to fill hunger. The fruit would grow into a tree which can be harvested every 15 factorio days (scaling based on soil quality) for 4-5 fruit and each would fill a good amount of hunger or could be planted. Then, the research gives way to meat-eating- how to clean the meat found on killed biters, spitters, etc. There could be one research for each feasibly edible animal form on the planet, or maybe just for the basic ones, and also a few accessory researches that would provide other features such as salt from chemical treatment plants. The research would give devices or facilities to clean the meat of toxins or posions. Supposedly, each biter corpse would take a while and a good amount of resources to process (it is an alien corpse filled with toxins), but would fill as much as 20 percent of your food bar.

There would be no reason to grow foor at all if not eating had no detrimental effect on you. This is where I propose some of these. As your hunger gets lower, you could:
-Walk slower and craft slower starting at 60% and scaling as it gets lower, possibly to a max of 3x slower at 30%
-Shoot slower and take longer to perform other combat mechanics, starting at 45% and scaling to a max of 2x at 30%
-Lose slight control of character, starting at 35% and scaling to higher control loss (but not too high) maxing at 10% (This would take the form of having jitters when walking and driving, or something else I guess)
-Blacking out (probably death) happens five days after hunger bar hits 0% (Make sure to give warnings when hungry, the same way you are alerted of biters)
There are possibly more, but I don't know what the balance would be- hurting the player for not eating vs not allowing them to make food because of the effects.

There are different soil types in factorio, such as the desert or the grass. In the real world, deciduous forests have very good soil, while deserts have bad soil. I would assume that hoeing the dirt in a forest would provide the best results, followed by grass not in a forest and finally desert. These are alien plants which could have adapted to live in the desert, but because there is minimal plant life in the desert and you find the seeds and fruits in the trees anyway, this soil quality chart is probably fairly accurate. There could, however, be research into growing plants better in the desert. Maybe, in a future update, there could be different biomes which each have their own soil value, promoting migration around the planet, which allows for more use of trains- setting up a farm in a deep forest and using a train to bring it back to your base. There could also be a research that allows you to judge soil quality- just as you can see how much iron is in a particular ore spot you can tell what the quality of the soil is. Or, it could just be a set quality per biome.

Potentially there could be research into what exactly your body needs to thrive. This could lead to a cooking station where you can combine meat products and plants to produce balanced meals which fill a good percentage of hunger. These types of research could also allow you to get more out of each food morsel you eat in general, up to +10-20% of it's original value as you understand more about what parts of food you should eat. I thought also about how eating mass amounts of the same food would decrease it's nutritional value, so that the player doesn't just eat fruit the whole time. For example, Each time you eat a certain morsel, it's nutritional value decreased by 5%. All specific products would do this except the balanced meals created in the cooking station. I really think this is an important mechanic, as it would be too easy to farm just one food type

This is a list of what types of food I have come up with and their eating value based on how hard it is to make them. Keep in mind the value decreases by 5% every succesive time you eat each one in a row (unless it is a salad or a meal)
-Seeds 2
-Nuts 2.5
-Berries 1.5
-Alienfruit1 5
-Alienfruit2 5.5
-Cured biter meat: 15
-Cured spitter meat: 16
-Salad: 1 Fruit and 1 seed/berry/nut. Add the values of each (@ day 1) and multiply by 1.2. Value decreases by 3% each successive eating of the exact same salad
-Meal: 1 salad and 1 Meat product. Add the values of each (@ day 1) and multiply by 1.5
I am sure you can come up with more but this I think is a good place to start.

The hunger bar is a dynamic mechanic. It is important to get the hunger decrease rate just right. I thought that it would be nifty if the hunger rate increased as the game went on, because that would allow for not as much wasting- you would end up producing more food as time went on anyway. I think tying it to the pollution value may be a good idea; the more pollution, the faster you get hungry. So I think that at the start of the game, going down by 5-8% each factorio day would be good, and increasing based on pollution. I thought about instead of a constant rate, taking hunger every time you perform an action; but then in late game you would barely have to eat at all, and you would probably have a ton of food. In essence, the hunger bar needs to be rather hard to fill, because otherwise people may just try and get by by hacking trees until they get a fruit and eating it, which takes away from why it was added at all: more automation.

I'm not going to pick specific rates, I just wanted to add that the amount of time it takes to grow the plants would be based on the soil quality and the amount of water the plant recieved. There could be researched specifically for telling how much water exactly a plant takes to minimize growth time, and as I said earlier, fertilizer could decrease growth time as well.

In theory the food products would go bad after spending time in a chest. Therefore I think there would be research on how to make food storage containers. Particularly the refrigerator for Berries, Fruits, Meats, Salads, and Meals. Nuts and seeds don't need to be stored, especially because they are more of an early game dynamic. The refrigerators would be powered simply by electricity, probably made of some circuits and iron plates two iron chests, and therefore would have the inventory of two iron chests.

In order for the food to be of use- it would suck to have to drag around tons of seeds- there would be pouches for toting large amounts of seeds, berries, nuts, and maybe fruits in one inventory slot.

In order for the food to be of use, I think- and thank you to Walsy for showing me just how great this mechanic could be- that a mass of food should be loaded into the rocket in the end game. Read EDIT1 at the bottom if you want to know why I think it would be so great. Also, I thought that this mechanic could be used to totally replace the need for an increasing hunger rate, as you would need to make more food for the rocket either way. Cool!

If there is a food bar, why isn't there a water bar? Well, if one were so inclined, a water bar would probably just be filled by an offshore pump and researching a water purification facility, and maybe being bottled in plastic or simply filling up a metal bottle.

This is a section for things I though of while writing this, but didn't think were big enough to give their own section.
-Heating after refridgeration:
I think this would just waste time and be annoying, honestly. you would just stand by like a microwave until it finished and then eat it. It would take little power, one research, and a too much time. Not worth it.
Yes, food has to be sanitized. I suppose it could play a minor role but could probably just be written into the description of the cooking facility and others.
I don't know, I thought robots would be a way of combinint the foods. Maybe?
-Harvesting seasons:
I thought about having a harvest season, but that would involve the planet having seasons, which would invoke too many other things. Also, the planet most likely doesn't have seasons anyway, it's an alien planet. Right?
-Art for character getting hungry:
Maybe the character could start to shrink as he got hungrier. but only at like 20% and below.
-Alien spawners providing meat:
Maybe there could be research that gets the spawners running again and you could make a meat farm out of that. It seemed a bit gruesome to me, but it may be the only way to sustainably farm meat.
-Other types of food:
Food other than meat and fruit and grain? Dairy, vegetables... I guess vegetables could work but I don't see dairy working any time soon.
EDIT1:-The good guy:
Now this is very out there but I couldn't help but write it, especially after ssilk opened my eyes to the fact that we are the intruder here. Have you ever played Undertale? I think an option to instead of kill the natives, to befriend them- starting with giving them seeds could be cool. They eat these anyway as they are the primary food on the planet. This way, you could use their help in your endeavors and access other dynamics.

I haven't played factorio that much, only about 10 hours. So it is very possible that I missed an obvoius mechanic. But that's what you guys are for! Comment and tell me what I missed. It is also possible that I have built this into something it isn't, but I seriously want you gusy to consider it. I think it'd be great! Automation is literally the reason every single other mechanic is in the game, why not have another big one? It's a deep, realistic mechanic for a deep, realistic game.

EDIT1: If it seems that this would be better as a mod, I can totally understand that opinion. However, I think it may be partially fueled by small idiosyncrasies between my specific version and their ideal version, which they may not even know yet- it could just take the form of things they don't like about my version. I include such specific details so that you have a deeper understanding of the material when reading it, and by no means think it is accurate to the subject, but I do believe it is a good guideline. So I ask:
Before you disclose this as a mod or to be added, just in a very small form, think about this:
This is by no means a final product, and if there is something you don't like about it, tell me! I'm actually sure your opinions can be used as a great fix to the problems you see. Also, I would like to show that this could be another entire branch to the game. I.E; To make the rocket and win the game, it takes many factories and plants and logistical cooperations. I think that this food mechanic easily has the potential to become one of those. Think of the food as iron plates; you need both of them to take off. It just increases the depth of the game, so I suppose the only concern would be if it gets tedious to automate so much, but I don't see that as a problem.
If your concern is that this is not automation, but is farming, I want to reassure you that there are machines unlocked via research that can be used to fully automate harvesting. This would go back potentially to the Biter spawners being used to farm Biter meat. So yes, it is easily possible to create a food factory if one sets up a good system to.
If you still think that it should not be fully implemented, I propose a compromise :D

Basically the main mode except invoking the hunger (maybe thirst) mechanic, and requiring a mass of food to be loaded onto the rocket at the end of the game.
I'm not exactly a fan of this, but it would be a good start in my master plan to get this implemented :D

Thanks to Walsy, daniel34, and ssilk for providing me a baseline to write off of, as I had no idea what to expect. They are great people!

A new food bar to be filled by eating. Food grown in farms and meat harvested off of biters. Meals can be made for more nutritional value. Not eating results in detrimental causes, finally death. Soil has a quality value that affects growth time. A ton of other cool stuff I wrote about, please read :D

~Resident ENTP,
Last edited by Debuff on Thu Jun 23, 2016 10:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Walsy »

I think this idea has a lot of promise, but a few concerns came to mind, especially for the early game:

- first of all, trying to collect various forms of food by hand will fill up your backpack really quickly with multiple small stacks of nuts etc. Maybe this could be avoided by crafting a seed pouch or some other way to organize them without being so bulky.

- I love the idea of automating food farms, but when considering how much food it would take to keep on top of your food bar that it would take a very large amount of space. Now Factorio loves big things that can be compressed and improved to be more efficient, but the balancing needs a lot of work and the consequences of going hungry need to be sever enough to warrant putting the effort in. I'm sure this would be done on the fly after its implemented until the perfect balance is reached, but I think it's worth thinking about.

- if we are to harvest biter bodies to make food, I think it would need some aspect to make it more exciting. Maybe we could make the biters blatantly carnivorous so that if they aren't directly targeting the player, they'll eat the bodies of their fallen kin. This would lead to some fun, intense waves of picking up those bodies while fighting off another wave of biters before they get eaten rather than just having them around until they fade out naturally.

I REALLY love the idea of stocking the rocket with food for the end-game; it makes perfect sense and definitely should be added as a component to building the rocket or be stored within it before takeoff

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Post by daniel34 »

Wow, that's a really comprehensive and detailed suggestion on adding food to the game.
Added to viewtopic.php?f=80&t=14638 Producing food / Herbalism / Health

In my opinion the general idea of food in Factorio is not a bad one, but it has to be balanced towards factory building, which is the main goal. I'm not against having such a survival aspect in the game, but it should be completely optional and if enabled only have a minor impact.
The suggestion you laid out here is too detailed to be included in Factorio, but I think there are some ideas in there that could be implemented as an official expansion or community mod.

I've lately been playing Banished and Don't Starve again and not even they are as comprehensive as your suggestion, although Don't Starve comes close.
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Post by ssilk »

Completly agreed.

When I read the sister suggestions about the viewtopic.php?f=80&t=191 Throne room / Command center, camera and bots remote control
I think to Robinson Crusoe.

I don't think to the story of Robinson Crusoe, I think to the feeling of that story: First you have no home, no water, nothing to eat and it is a really hopeless situation, but with the time you build up everything yourself.

I think that kind of feeling would match really well into Factorio, but I don't know exactly how much of that feeling would be good. Because we should never forget, that we are the intruders here: Everything we do will destroy native life.

And so I think this should be introduced to be modded first or very, very basic (a bit more than fish). Then we will see. :)
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Post by Debuff »

Thanks guys! I really am happy to have people like you talking to me. I edited the post to talk about what you guys said, and colored the beginning of new stuff in red (it's labeled EDIT1). Walsy, I didn't inclue your carniverous mechanic because I think that having the biters attacking each other would make them too easy of an enemy, but thanks for the thought! It could probably be applied elsewhere.

TNT, ~Debuff

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Post by bobingabout »

I am still strongly against anything that forces you to NEED food. This is a game about building a factory, not a life simulator.

Even games that are builder/survival like Terraria don't force you to need to eat food, like, ever. if you don't eat food, nothing happens, you just take longer to heal yourself.

Adding the food element was one of the main reasons I stopped playing minecraft at all... don't eat... and you'll starve to death? I hated it, though I understand you only need to eat to heal if you take damage now, an improvement.
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Post by Ghoulish »

I personally don't like the concept of having food in factorio (beyond the odd fishy!). Whereas I can understand that on some level it would add more depth, it just seems unneeded and not in line with the game's goal, or even game type.

There's a game I bought on early access a while ago called Subnautica, a first person water based survival and exploration game. You have a food meter, and have to feed yourself regularly through caught and then cooked fish. What the OP called a hunger bar I guess. The point here though is that for me this mechanic detracted from what I actually wanted to be doing - exploring, and building my base, rather than do that I was forced to have half an eye on the hunger bar, it became an annoyance for me rather than adding anything to the game (even though in such a game a mechanic like a hunger bar isn't really out of place, and sure perhaps the devs have altered the speed at which the bar drops since I last played). As a side note there was an option to switch off the hunger mechanic however. I feel the same would happen if food was added to factorio, it would just detract from the main concept of the game, building huge bases, and feeding our machines with various goodies.

A well thought out and presented idea however :)
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Post by ssilk »

Yes. I think food should be as useful as the circuits. TL;DR: You can use it, but you don't need to.

But if you use this path you have a number of new options; like
- creating food for the natives. Be friendly with them and they will be friendly with you and bring you from time to time some "presents", like eggs, optional research and so on. Nothing which is really needed, but if used has a new and incredible depth.
- making some kind of "home", where you are safe. Good for multiplayer, when you are not online.
- improving characters power/strength/health without power suit...
- creating powerful poison
- creating "pheromones" for protection and much more (see pheromones viewtopic.php?f=80&t=3440 )
- creating special chemicals (non-oil based... or replaces oil-based to go easier the "green path")

And that is also the idea with the mods: It should all be always an option to use them.
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Post by Debuff »

So I wrote about this at the bottom of the thread, but I just want to highlight it;
Making food is a totally automated experience. It's just as necessary as making iron ore, and almost as easy to set up. It would make the game more realistic without taking away from the essence of the game- mechanizing everything. It won't be like subnautica because once you start, food should be readily available. Basically the goal of this is to add one more thing to automate and produce in mass before the rocket can fly; having to eat it may be more of a side effect.
Also ssilk those are some pretty legit ideas, thanks!

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Post by bobucles »

Factorio is a game about automating and scaling production. Population doesn't scale. This means once you secure enough food for YOURSELF, you never need to do anything more ever again. It's honestly a lot of effort that will only ever be relevant in the first 5 minutes of the game. Same thing with having thirst, oxygen needs and anything else of that nature.

If you have a way to consume food or use it for production, then it can become a resource just like anything else.

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Post by Harkonnen604 »

Oxygen has some scale - how far from your base you can go without refilling. It also adds value to using vehicles.

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