Post your ideas and suggestions how to improve the game.

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Post by TobiasDamage »

I just created an account like four minutes ago because of an idea I had, so that being said I may not know how some things work. I read some rules and did a bit of searching and found some light discussion on the topic of swimming so here's a place for more depth I suppose.

Anyway, I was thinking about how useless water is and how easy it might be to implement a swimming mechanic, even if just making it so that you can walk on it. And then just making the player model change so that it appears as though he's submerged. Easy enough, right? (Hopefully someone would put a bit more thought into programming but it might be unnecessary.

And for the sake of balance maybe a system with the inventory where it slowly fills up with water so that the more your'r carrying the less water you can take one before taking damage. A sort of simple weight system without the constant annoyance of actual weight. And when it comes to the water it just just be a graphic of a blue square and let's say with a value of 200 per slot and then just fills up (at a fairly quick pace I'd assume) consuming the free space of your inventory. When you get out of the water it'll drain at either the same rate as it fills, or a bit faster. Or maybe it can work as a background to the inventory slowly filling up each slot each acting as a mini progress bar, and when it fills up behind objects in your inventory you can't immediately use them until it drains. Just so you can't just fill up on bullets and a tank and cross to the other side and instantly wreck the biters (not that they don't have it coming). I have more ideas on the subject but this post is long enough, so hopefully the rest are worth posting later on.

The whole idea is a pretty simple one in terms of affecting gameplay, but I think it would be a nice addition. Anyway I hope I haven't done anything wrong in terms of rules or anything as this is the first forum I've decided to be a part of but if so let me know and I'll do what I care to please the community.
P.S. I'm allergic to bananas.
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Post by Flight »

I would prefer a boat, and something to move items through water, like a wire hanging above the water and small hooks carrying one item each.
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Post by TobiasDamage »

I agree on the boat idea because that would work great for logistics and moving stuff around (not to mention it can open up another entire part of the game if they were to add stuff to harvest from the water).
But I was just giving a simple (almost stupidly simple) idea for early game just for the sake of easy travel. As I've noticed thousands of little puddles around the starting area that just get in the way. Though if they were to go and use the water for something useful such as the boats idea that would be just as wonderful.

I just figured it might be simple enough to implement without too much effort while they work on plans for better things.
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Post by Lord_lammington »

unless the add rivers or vast oceans that would make it really hard to traverse by land it would be rather useless to add boats as the player can just use a car or a train ... now if deep sea mining was added or oil wells on the water i would second this it would be a feature that would be kinda cool , but have very little use but great idea BTW
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Post by Blaster »

It would be nice to see the following implemented:

1: Bridge block(s) to span across the water. A cheap but narrow stone bridge, and an expensive but worth it causeway of concrete bridge.

2: Boats. Have a personal boat to drive around in, and also have a very expensive, very large cargo ship and ports.

What does this optional bit add to the game? How many times have you gotten stuck because your map is an island and does not have enough resources to endgame?

The tradeoff for using bridges is to connect shorter spans of water with your rail system. Oceans can be crossed more efficiently with the boats because of material cost.
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Post by SyncViews »

Getting stuck is a pain true, and simple terraforming or bridges would solve that.

Id love proper ships though so can have map gen modes that create islands and larger continents. After a while you would use up the resources on your starting island, and need to invest in the complex logistics of large freighters and oil tankers.

I think being forced to use a mix of transport (and energy, etc.) methods for any large base would add a lot, as just building rail outposts becomes a bit copy-n-paste, often with just a single station hub at the main factory.

Biters would need an upgrade as well though, to include combat at sea and them trying to invade player islands.
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Post by Joe78man »

I myself created an account just to add something like this.

I really think the idea of swimming, flooding inventory and stuff is not appealing at all. But it opens the window for water traveling. Given this game is about making stuff the best option is water transportation:
1: Bridge block(s) to span across the water. A cheap but narrow stone bridge, and an expensive but worth it causeway of concrete bridge.
Three different bridges each with different characteristics:
1. wood
2. stone
3. concrete

Depth based on material (wooden can be built only on depth 1, stone up to depth 2, concrete, 3) (3 types of water depths should be added and coded)
Lengh based on material (testing to set appropriate lengh for each one, reasonable based on material. Concrete should be much larger than the other two)
Width based on material (wooden 1x, stone 3x, concrete x5, this is related to the weight it supports)
Supporting weight based on material (wood only player, stone player/car, concrete player/car/tank)
2: Boats. Have a personal boat to drive around in, and also have a very expensive, very large cargo ship and ports.
1. Wooden boat: personal transportation, slow, no cargo
2. Engine boat: car version for water, fast, SMG, inventory, room for a second passanger (for MP)
3. Tanker/Cargo boat: big cargo transport, train like, can be automated, adding buoys for waypoints. Can add-on a turret for self deffense, consuming ammo like a regular turret. A cargo bay has to be added, to either transport materials or liquids turning it into a Tanker, one or the other.
4. Combat boat. slower than engine boat, but like the tank holding a SMG and charges (as anti-subs) for sea warfare

Dock: creates water transport and deploys them (when placing it, check for water tiles big enough to deploy). Tanker/Cargo boats, when automated, dock in as they arrive, at that point the dock will load/unload (based on load/unload pre-selection for automatization). Upgrade can be added to transfer liquids. Generates water pollution as pipes do
Oil platform: (new) Oil patches in water would hold higher yields than land patches. Can be placed from boats. Tankers would dock to platforms automatically when within range (if platform added as station), if manned, by pressing spacebar (turret fires on its own). Platforms have two slots to be filled with turrets and ammo. Generates water pollution as pipes do

Water mobs:
Swimmers (water version of bitter) They are drawed by pollution in water or player's vehicles nearby.
Swimmer spawner.
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Post by TobiasDamage »

It's all about gateways, good ideas span from terrible ones. Bad to good, good leads to great, and hopefully great to AMAZING.

Anyway maybe even just a simple 2x2 platform to build over the water would be good. If it just acts as an all-in-one type...thing...then at least it would be simple and could easily expand into anything. Use it for bridges or just build a base on water. That and it would be good for trains as in if, for whatever reason, you need to build a depot on the water you could just add to the sides of the bridge and set one up.

I don't know. There are a million ways to approach the problem and it's just about which one ends up being the best or most accepted.
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Post by ssilk »

Added to viewtopic.php?f=80&t=14024 Travel over Water: Boats, Ships, Canus / Bridges / Tunnels
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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