Logistics Station and Wagon

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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Logistics Station and Wagon

Post by OrbitalNZ »

When expanding into outposts it would be nice to have a more effective way of including it into your overall logistics network beyond running a line of roboports to the new outpost.

I solution which occurred to me which might be interesting was to make 2 new train stops, A Blue Requisition Stop and a Red Provision stop.
Add to this a Logistics wagon accessible by bots and my proposal would be this:

Player sets up in the main base a Red Station in range of a roboport.
Makes or uses a railroad to a new remote location and creates a Blue station.
Sets up a train and logistics wagon in the new outpost.
Player is then able to use the personal roboport or place a new roboport in range of the blue station which completes the "link"

How it works:
Once a train with a logistics wagon is stopped at a one of these new stops it becomes available to the logistics systems (if in range of a roboport).
A player or roboport in the logistics system if in range on a requisition stop is able to submit a request to the for whatever material is being requested. (ie blueprint build for example)
A train schedule is set up.
Upon arrival at the Blue stop the wagon itself encodes this list of requested materials, leaves and upon arrival at the main base submits the request to the Red Stop and by extension the main base logistics network.
Bots fill the wagon.
Train leaves (by schedule) to head back to the outpost.
One arrival and connection to the second network the train unloads (by bots or by arms/crates) and makes the resources available to whatever is requesting them.

The wagon will need to clear its list of requested materials once it departs a Red Station (seems to the simplest solution to keep the wagon inventory log clean)
The wagon will need to be able to update its list if it stops through more than one blue station.
The new wagon should avoid any issues of logistics taking inventory from standard supply trains. (plus will look cooler)

Sorry if this has already been requested.
I only did a quick scan through the recorded suggestions to see if there was anything similar.

Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
Posts: 5
Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2016 12:55 am

Re: Logistics Station and Wagon

Post by OrbitalNZ »

I will check out your mod and see how it runs in game.

But my initial read is that the wagon will need player to always set up each individual wagon for the specific items being requested.

Based on your modding experience is what I'm requesting even feasible? Where the logistics network will update (writes/edit) the wagon filters automatically?

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