- !=, <= or >= in the decider
- bitwise and, or, xor in the decider
- modulo, shr, shl, bitwise and, or, xor, not, k2? operation
- the ability to select the signal, which should be used as output
- the ability to specify the source wire of the signal (e.g. signal A of the green wire - signal B of the red wire)
- the ability to specify, how the wire signals are combined before the operation (e.g. red + green as it is now, red - green, green - red)
- check each signal condition on one wire and output corresponding signal of the other wire, where condition is met
- vector arithmetic: each signal of green wire plus, minus, … of the red wire
- display: show input/output signal sorted by name, not by amount
- display: show input by source wire (like on the poles)
- display: show operation of combinator
Any comments?