IDEA: Interserter Lane Choice

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IDEA: Interserter Lane Choice

Post by Cooolaid »

@Factorio Dev's

Ok, so we have a transport belt in a long line (as an example) and at the end of the line it will be split in 2 different directions with a splitter.
but before all the items go through the splitter it's going inbetween a bunch of machines but only the machines on the left is needing copper, while the right is needing iron.
Now we place a inserter (doesnt matter which one)

I would like to be able to open its interface and select 3 stages the inserter will work.
Place or pick up things on the LEFT side of the Belt
Place or pick up things on the RIGHT side of the Belt
and Normal use (default).

Basically, I would like to have a bit more control of inserters as to which side I want them to operate on.
but choosing it within the inserter interface.

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Re: IDEA: Interserter Lane Choice

Post by deepdriller »

The placing can be modified using a little belt trickery.
I'm not sure why you'd need the "pickup" part though.
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Re: IDEA: Interserter Lane Choice

Post by bobucles »

Inserters will only harvest the resources needed to feed their assembler.

Smart inserters will only grab the resources you allow them to, and for more advanced users will only grab them WHEN you want them to.

Inserters will always deposit resources on the far side of a belt, and always the same side if the belt is pointing the same way. (is it left handed or right handed? I forget.)

Using some belt magic you can make sure the resources go exactly where you want them to.
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Re: IDEA: Interserter Lane Choice

Post by orzelek »

You can also grab of one of mods that add short-handed inserters and use them to grab from lane you want. I think.. I'm only using them to put on lane I want :D
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Re: IDEA: Interserter Lane Choice

Post by ssilk »

This will surely not come. Already discussed a lot, it's a puzzle. The behavior is part of the game. On the other side it can be modded.
Cool suggestion: Eatable MOUSE-pointers.
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