adding means of transport

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adding means of transport

Post by LuLi49 »

-an overhead conveyor:
he's a conveyor on a bridge

-a plane:
it is a plane that can be programmed to go to mini-airports on land or flying over very long distances in order to find very rare materials thousands of kilometers away and where a small factory can be set up

-container ships:
these are boats that can travel across oceans (to be added too) and go to different ports as well as bridges, tunnels and canals where they can pass

-underground rails:
these are tunnels for trains, as well as underground train stops

these are roads for all-terrain cars (they can go on water, in the air, on land, in space but we must maintain them with flying robots or all-terrain cars which maintain the roads. the roads are a big (imaginary) line where we can put stops and what we have to maintain are these radars which allow cars to follow the correct route.

-there may be flying extra-terrestrials or earthworms which can damage these means of transport

-train carriages take on the color of the locomotive

-aerial pipes:
these are pipes that are in the air

Each vehicle has an upgrade for each planet.

-each vehicle can transport electricity, for example the train has a new energy accumulator wagon.

-an earthworm vehicle:
it is a vehicle that travels underground and it has an advantage: the extra-terrestrials in the underground do not notice it because this vehicle has the shape of a worm.

-a submarine:
it's a vehicle that travels underwater, under lava...

-a transport spider:
it's a spider that follows a road with stations, it can go over buildings.

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