Especially it looks like, that implementing this would enable to have "pseudo intelligent behavior" for the natives. All in all you should read the whole thread, especially page 3 is very interesting.

For an overview of that threads look at page 4 ( viewtopic.php?f=80&t=3440&start=30 ).
-- ßilk
Let's bring some life to biters.
Make them eat and drink, make them travel to water once every few hours and back to home. Make them eat something, maybe some new renewable resource that's useful for the player too. This should attract biters to the player base.
Change the pollution system so that it updates slower and supports more channels/layers of stuff. Use these for biter chemicals, pheromones, hormones, whatever. Killing biters should create a slowly dissipating cloud of danger stuff, biter food should create a cloud of some attractive smell for biters to follow. Biters coming back to home should also spread the food smell with them so other biters could follow the trails, and biters escaping from battle should do something like that too so that angry kamikaze swarm can then move out and follow the danger trail...
Throw out long distance pathfinding, use the chemical/light/pollution gradients from 3x3 grid of chunks to make movement decisions for biters. It could result in somewhat realistic behavior, biters hiding away from lights, finding ways around sparse defenses, other wonderful things.
Right now the only fun thing about biters is when a group of them goes make a new colony and decides to randomly run through the player's base while doing so. This needs some spicing up!