This suggestion comes from ... f=6&t=8849 but has changed a lot since then. The basic idea is about in this post: ... 849#p70864
But also many other ideas flow into it, namely the former discussion with SHiRKiT and ofca (and his suggestion ... f=6&t=8843 )
New important concept
There is an important distinction between
A) the logistic area (the area - or should we name that better zone? - covered by a connected net of roboports),
B) the logistic network, that is currently equal to the area. This is also the default network.
Needed research
I think that should be mirrored also in the research: first you have
- logistic areas (which is exactly the same as now but a different name),
- then overlapping logistic networks (this is new and comes from the mentioned post),
- then exchange between the networks (this is completely new and described below).
Without this extension nothing changes. The default logistic network is just exactly the logistic area. It is locally limited to the area covered by the roboports, so physically bounded to their placement. Like now.
There is no difference in behavior, if you just use only that. If I connect two logistic areas it is one bigger area. Like now.
The "new" overlapping logistic networks can include logistic entities in many different areas. The networks are just a concept, or "wireless channels".
This means: This shares their statistics, the number of items in them. And some more. But items between two entities in one logistic network can be exchanged only, if they are in the same area. I cannot exchange items between two logistic areas. There is simply no way between them, that the robots can fly. Like now.
Adding new networks
You need to define a network, before you can use it. To have more networks it is simply added: a globally accessible requester for all players. Press "+", new network is created.
Assume, that the networks are just player names, like the train stops. There is not more needed, maybe a color (only some are needed), maybe an icon. All of that can then be changed by the player, like with the train stop yet.
(Edit: I left out the binding of a network to a device, as in the former suggestion, cause I think, that would make problems, when not powered etc. not sure about this, but also no problem to change that)
Configuring networks
Only logistic chests can then be in more than one network.
There is no need to configure roboports, because they belong to the area. Also the robots.
With the research of logistic networks (see above !), we are able to change the logistic chests network. Just open a chest and select it's network. A chest can be only in one network.
A good idea would be, to have the possibility to change many chest (some select tool needed).
With the research of logistic exchange we can advance that.
We can create combinations of requester and provider, storage and requester or storage and provider.
My first idea about that was to place the needed numbers of chests like now and with some tool or because placed around a new special device, they work, as if they are one big chest, but hang in several networks.
Edit: When I interpret ofca's comment ( ... 849#p70475) then this connecting special device is nothing than a new type of smart inserter, that "virtually connects" the chests.
This part of the idea is not fully worked out yet.

Configuring of smart devices
Smart inserters simply "see" all networks - like now if they are placed in a logistic area, it's just one more row for each network (alphabetic sorted?) in the smart Inserter config setup - but uses it only, if you configure that.
Viewing the networks
No need for layered colors anymore. I think to filter options. There are already many ideas about filtering for example the bots, or other layers like underground, so why not also chest/Inserters belonging to one logistic network. The switching should be of course easy and you see the selected layer enhanced and all other logistic entities (not in the network) are a bit ghosted. Some fine tuning needed, but without question it's possible, and used in many other games. See for example Rollercoaster Tycoon.
I think one layer can show me all connected objects for one network with staggered lines. Like the staggered lines for roboports, but for the chests only, so that I can see, which way a robot may take.
You need to think a bit about the usage case, then you see, that this is not enough, but good enough for a first version, which we can play with and see, what's missing.
Placing of robots
Roboports make the communication inside of an connected logistic area and robots just fulfill the requests. I even don't need to say how many robots should be in which logistic network. Cause the robots belong to the robotic area, and not to a logistic network. The roboports take care, that the robots in one logistic area are equally distributed. They may take into account, that there are points, where more robots are needed (they have some kind of usage statistics and can estimate the average need of robots within their port area (which would also enable us to put the right number of robots into the area)).
Some changes still needed, but generally this has a flat learning curve and the complexity is only needed, when you use it. It doesn't change existing behavior, it doesn't need colors. It needs only to add a new concept, which is already visible. For me this feels, like it was already planned into the game by the devs.