Alien Tech Salvaging

Post your ideas and suggestions how to improve the game.

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Alien Tech Salvaging

Post by Joefesok »

I'd like to apologize in advance if this is either
-Against the developer's vision for how aliens work thematically
-Or has already been proposed

This references changes proposed for Pheromone AI Pathing and Behavior (viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3440) and would probably be much improved by Alien Peace (viewtopic.php?f=9&t=3762) as well as Inter-Nest Diplomacy and War (viewtopic.php?f=6&t=21211)
The long and short is;
When aliens raid your factory, they steal technology tidbits such as scrap metal or ruined electronics (both of these things being damaged in the fighting). They then take these technologies and research them, eventually creating technology miming yours. This can lead to them creating basic automation such as drills as well as armor and ranged weapons for Biters and Spitters.
Aliens attack your factory to break stuff, per normal procedure. However, this time, when they break stuff they steal all they can carry and will attempt to run away. If caught, there's less harm done; they didn't get away with your materials, which an engineer such as yourself can probably find some use for. But if they get away, they can get back to their nest and capture the materials. This allows them to "study" the materials, and create their own versions of things you've made- crappier, less efficient, and the automation is basically nonexistant, but they're working replicas of your work.
Eventually, this leads to "advanced" combat assets for Biters, who will slowly transition from Zerglings to walking tanks wearing small artillery pieces.
The system works as either a standin for the already existing evolution system, or as an additional system. As an additional system it would make the most sense as a global modifier advancing fairly slowly, though still advancing. If nest clusters are made distinct from each other such as in Inter-Nest Diplomacy and War, it could be a per-nest thing.
Other ideas integrate into this in a number of ways. The Pheromone-based pathing overhaul would allow a new sort of unit, a kind of scout, to look for points in your defences which are less well defended in order to lead raids which result in fewer losses. With Alien Peace, trading techs to aliens for their artifacts or other things could lead to the tech level advancing. Finally, with inter-nest diplomacy and peace, nests could have more assets and techs to trade with each other.
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Re: Alien Tech Salvaging

Post by Overene »

The aliens in the game aren't really seen as being intelligent beings, so it wouldn't make much sense for them to be able to research stuff.
Long Handed Inserter
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Re: Alien Tech Salvaging

Post by Joefesok »

I'm not sure.

If Alien Peacemaking is in the game, then I think tech could possibly be added.

It also adds to the slight "europe meets america in space" aesthetic the game appears to have adopted, community wise.
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