[1.1.36] Crash

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[1.1.36] Crash

Post by eradicator »

This thing is a bit weird *cough* it prints a line to the console that's not part of the actual log:

Code: Select all

PANIC: unprotected error in call to Lua API
Load the attached savegame after synching mods and grabbing bio industries from github. Click the "Bio Industries" button in the already open gvv gui.

Probably cause:
To test if I can get an easy copy of the environment I added a "simple" function to gvv's remote interface. (I can feel a hearty "just don't do this" incoming :lol:.)

Code: Select all

 _G = function() return _ENV end,
(1.6 MiB) Downloaded 188 times
Author of: Belt Planner, Hand Crank Generator, Screenshot Maker, /sudo and more.
Mod support languages: 日本語, Deutsch, English
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Re: [1.1.36] Crash

Post by posila »

I guess that's what Lua interpreter does when you corrupt its global state like that ... so don't do that 8-)

EDIT: Although, in the code it is actually more like this

Code: Select all

{ _G = function() return _ENV end, }
so I don't know why the global _G is being corrupted ... but I am not interested enough in this to try to decode what is actually happening in that mod :)
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Smart Inserter
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Re: [1.1.36] Crash

Post by eradicator »

posila wrote: Thu Jul 29, 2021 2:17 pm so don't do that 8-)
Sir, yes Sir! :mrgreen:
posila wrote: Thu Jul 29, 2021 2:17 pm EDIT: Although, in the code it is actually more like this
Yea, sorry if that was unclear. It's a function named "_G" in the remote interface. Not something that replaces _ENV._G. Just reported it because of the weird way it crashed with memory related warnings etc. Hope you at least got a good laugh :geek: .
Author of: Belt Planner, Hand Crank Generator, Screenshot Maker, /sudo and more.
Mod support languages: 日本語, Deutsch, English
My code in the post above is dedicated to the public domain under CC0.
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