What I did:
I placed a line of transport belts, and somewhere in the middle of the line I disabled one of the belts. When I put items at the beginning of the line of belts, they moved across the belt until they hit the inactive belt, and stopped as expected. When I enabled the belt again, however, the items did not continue moving.
What I expected:
I expected that once I enabled the belt, the items would start moving across the now active belt. But, even though the belt under them was moving/moving the player, the items stayed still. They would eventually start moving if some new items entered the belt that they were on, I guess that triggers an update.
Steps to replicate:
1. Place a line of transport belts, about 7 long or so.
2. Hover your mouse over a transport belt near the middle of the line, then run the command below:
Code: Select all
/c game.player.selected.active = false
4. Reactivate the belt that you disabled, with the opposite of the above command.
5. Observe the bug as the items do not begin moving.
A gif of the bug being replicated: