[Rsed] When taking an item out from the item-with-inventory using the hotbar, it gets put into the character inventory

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[Rsed] When taking an item out from the item-with-inventory using the hotbar, it gets put into the character inventory

Post by Mernom »

When taking an item out from the item-with-inventory using the hotbar, it gets put into the character inventory. Also, any future attempts will take a new stack from the item-with-inventory, instead of taking it out of the character inventory since it's already there.

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extends_inventory_by_default = true, insertion_priority_mode = "when-manually-filtered" (still put it into my inventory even when I filtered the slots)
Setting insertion priority to "default" or "always" didn't fix this.
I noticed it creates the empty hand placeholder item in the main inventory instead of in the item-with-inventory, which is possibly the reason.

Also, if I open the item-with-inventory, pick up an item, then press Q, the game doesn't allow me to put it back at first - it tells me that 'the slot is reserved for the cursor' or that 'the slot is filtered for another item' if it's filtered (even if the item I'm trying to put back is the exact same item I took from it).
that first press removes the reservation dummy item, pressing Q again DOES put it back into the item-with-inventory correctly.
EVEN if I closed the item-with-inventory's menu between picking the item up and trying to put it down.
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Re: [Rsed] When taking an item out from the item-with-inventory using the hotbar, it gets put into the character invento

Post by boskid »

Moving this to Wont fix because "extends_inventory" will be removed in 2.0.
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