[0.11.17] Biters attacking Rails, Signals, power lines etc.

Things that we don't consider worth fixing at this moment.
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[0.11.17] Biters attacking Rails, Signals, power lines etc.

Post by StoneLegion »

I have a feeling this is not a bug but could be a slight oversight or maybe there is a suggestion on this. Right now I noticed if you place a rail say inside a enemy base they will attack it at odd intervals. Now why the hell would one do that? Well one would not but when used in a more complex situation say: "/c game.mapsettings.enemy_expansion.min_player_base_distance=0" You can't enjoy expanding out a rail system because biters who settle near the player object will just chew it up.

Clearly this is outside the normal intended game usage. But I felt that the game expansion system was starting become boring and dull and enjoyed the challenge of over expanding AI. I mean if they hate me and I hate them why can I expand but they can't right?

If this is normal is there any known API Hooks to tell biters to ignore certain player placed objects? Would rather not have it placed as a biter object because then the player has issues dealing with it.

Thanks :)
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Re: [0.11.17] Biters attacking Rails, Signals, power lines etc.

Post by kovarex »

If you want to play like a man, defend your systems :)
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Re: [0.11.17] Biters attacking Rails, Signals, power lines etc.

Post by silenced »

To me it was always a bit odd that you could place power lines and railways all over the place and they were ignored. This way it's much more fun to play, since you finally have to take out bases if you want to pacify a region. Remember the native americans? They attacked the rails aswell, though, why would anyone do that?
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Re: [0.11.17] Biters attacking Rails, Signals, power lines etc.

Post by Florian »

Sry for Offtopic, but ...
kovarex wrote:If you want to play like a man, defend your systems :)
... you should add this to the pool of quotes on your Homepage ;)
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