[kovarex] [2.0.11] Interrupts: the [Station Name] is not full condition isn't parameterized

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[kovarex] [2.0.11] Interrupts: the [Station Name] is not full condition isn't parameterized

Post by 4wry »

  • Setup a train with an interrupt with the waiting condition of station not full (or full, this applies to both).
  • Assign a station using a icon parameter
  • Create a blueprint: parameterize the icon used in the station name assigned in the waiting condition
  • Save an build

The Parameter should apply to the waiting condition, which it does not. Furthermore, when editing the saved blueprint the parameter will no longer be available to be set.

Conclusion and impact: the icon parameter in the waiting condition is not being saved or applied as intended. This limits the ability to apply dynamic parameters to waiting conditions that e.g. use the same icon as assigned to the trains main schedule. Instead the waiting condition station remains as originally setup.

PS: assigning specified stations is a workaround to a lack of option for e.g. 'next destination (not) full', but generally one way want to use parameters to have conditions for specific stations.
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Re: Interrupts: the [Station Name] is not full condition isn't parameterized

Post by Borges »

I am also having the same issue.

The '[Station Name] is not full' when adding a parameter, it does not take the actual value (which in this case should be a steel ingot) when placing the blueprint.

See the image below:
10-25-2024, 17-19-22.png
10-25-2024, 17-19-22.png (248.73 KiB) Viewed 1047 times
EDIT: Now on 2.0.11 only the station takes the correct parameter value but not the train schedules:
10-26-2024, 06-24-44.png
10-26-2024, 06-24-44.png (212.06 KiB) Viewed 1033 times
Here is the blueprint in case it helps:

Code: Select all

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Re: Interrupts: the [Station Name] is not full condition isn't parameterized

Post by 4wry »

Thanks for adding the screenshots and blueprint. These are very useful to better explain the issue.
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Re: [kovarex] [2.0.11] Interrupts: the [Station Name] is not full condition isn't parameterized

Post by Borges »

No worries!

However, reading more carefully the FFF#389, I've noticed that I misunderstood the Locomotive Group and interrupt system.
The interrupt is shared globally across all locomotives and it is not intended to have specific 1:1 station. (i'm still learning the new system :D )

Even so, the parameters are not updated when placing the blueprint and I believe this might be an issue. (although it makes a lot of sense to not touch these global values when placing a blueprint, or you could ruin your train network)
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Re: [kovarex] [2.0.11] Interrupts: the [Station Name] is not full condition isn't parameterized

Post by kovarex »

Yes modifying global interrupt with parametrisation sounds like a wrong idea, that is why I would prefer to not allow that.
Teoretically, if the interrupt name was also parametrised, it would make sense, as it would make a new global interrupt for that parameter.
But I would prefer to not go that path until I would be shown some practical design this is useful for.
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Re: [kovarex] [2.0.11] Interrupts: the [Station Name] is not full condition isn't parameterized

Post by 4wry »

If the interrupt is global it is a different thing, but I believe the main issue is the lack of generic 'next destination free/full' conditions, because a typical use case would be to re-direct a train to a waiting position to wait there. A workaround would be to repeat the interrupt using just a timer, which would entail trains visiting that station, but then exiting and re-visiting it as long as the next station is not available.
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Re: [kovarex] [2.0.11] Interrupts: the [Station Name] is not full condition isn't parameterized

Post by DeadMG »

There are currently still things you can do with a specific station you can't do with a generic interrupt, such as checking if future stations are full or not, and I would be happy with improving generic interrupts until they can do everything they need to, but until then being able to parameterise interrupts would be quite useful.
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