I have Windows 10 and Linux Mint 17.1 on my laptop. They have their own, separated partitions (Windows - NTFS, Linux - EXT4). I have also one shared partition formated as FUSE file system. Formatted by mkfs.exfat command (The file system doesn't support ownerships and permissions). It's mounted by /etc/fstab line:
Code: Select all
/dev/disk/by-uuid/8E1D-5982 /mnt/SSSD auto rw,nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show 0 0
The game works, i'm able to join servers, play, save worlds from servers and load them. However, I can't create new world due to this error:
Also: I saw those warnings always when I leave a server:
Code: Select all
55.855 Warning WriteFileGuard.cpp:89: Couldn't set /mnt/SSSD/factorio/blueprint-storage.tmp.dat permissions to 777: Operation not permitted
55.855 Warning WriteFileGuard.cpp:96: Couldn't chown /mnt/SSSD/factorio/blueprint-storage.tmp.dat: Operation not permitted
Code: Select all
7.739 Warning WriteFileGuard.cpp:89: Couldn't set /mnt/SSSD/factorio/config/config.tmp.ini permissions to 777: Operation not permitted
7.739 Warning WriteFileGuard.cpp:96: Couldn't chown /mnt/SSSD/factorio/config/config.tmp.ini: Operation not permitted
7.811 Warning WriteFileGuard.cpp:89: Couldn't set /mnt/SSSD/factorio/config/config.tmp.ini permissions to 777: Operation not permitted
7.811 Warning WriteFileGuard.cpp:96: Couldn't chown /mnt/SSSD/factorio/config/config.tmp.ini: Operation not permitted
Code: Select all
85.897 Warning WriteFileGuard.cpp:89: Couldn't set /mnt/SSSD/factorio/player-data.tmp.json permissions to 777: Operation not permitted
85.897 Warning WriteFileGuard.cpp:96: Couldn't chown /mnt/SSSD/factorio/player-data.tmp.json: Operation not permitted
I hope this will be fixed in next update, because it's not difficult-to-fix bug, I suppose.
BTW: Sorry for my bad English