[16.18] preview incomplete

Things that we don't consider worth fixing at this moment.
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[16.18] preview incomplete

Post by someone1337 »

I have set everything to Graphics related to minimum, low, where possible - its a fresh 0.16.18 win "installation"/zip-extraction.

Still my (auto)save dont seem to generate a full screenshot...
Its black in the save/....zip:preview.png file....

I know its not the most 1337-gaming-laptop out there... its pretty old, but had no issues with 0.15.x - on windows that is.
Could not play on linux at all, but thats why i keep a gaming winbloat7 :)

edit: ignore the mods, it doesnt work even without them...

a friend jokingly said, I should try factorio on linux...
So same box, but linux, no weird graphic glitches anymore (0.15 was unplayable on linux, because of them), but I dont get tp 60 FPS :(
When saving on linux, I dont get the black part of the preview.png. If that helps...
(6.46 KiB) Downloaded 69 times
incomplete_preview.png (1.13 MiB) Viewed 1219 times
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Re: [16.18] preview incomplete

Post by posila »

Thanks for the report.
I think you don't have properly installed graphics drivers.
In your log are following entries

Code: Select all

   0.058 Non-power-of-two texture sizes are NOT SUPPORTED!
   0.095 The largest texture size supported by graphics cards it very low (4096). Setting graphics preset to Low.
But according to intel specification the GPU on i7-640M is compatible with DirectX 10.1, which would mean is supports non-power-of-two textures and textures of size at least 8192.
I believe the issue with preview is somehow related to that, so I won't be trying to fix it in our code.

As for performance on Linux. It is possible Linux version didn't properly detect VRAM size, and set default graphics settings to "medium", so if you match your Linux settings with Windows settings, I think you could reach 60FPS
(Sprite resolution: low, Video Memory Usage: low, Optimized atlas packing: Enabled, Low quality sprite rotations: Enabled)
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