[0.15.18] Factorissimo2: Biter attack notifs don't show map

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[0.15.18] Factorissimo2: Biter attack notifs don't show map

Post by kosievdmerwe »

If you get attacked by biters while inside a factory and you click on the notification (which would take you to the map where the biters are attacking), it shows you the map inside the factory.

Probably easier way to repro:
1) place robo port inside factory
2) build a blueprint (note the warning about missing resources)
3) Go outside
4) click on missing robots/resources notif

Possible fixes:
  • Show an error if you're on the wrong surface for a notification
    • A further nice thing to do would be to make the notification live longer if the user clicks on it so they have time to go outside.
  • Don't show notifications at all if you're on the wrong surface (bad since you don't get warned about attacks)
  • (preferred but harder) Allow the map to show you a different surface. (This is problematic for the insides of factories since you can't distinguish between them)
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Re: [0.15.18] Factorissimo2: Biter attack notifs don't show map

Post by Klonan »

Thanks for the report,

While this isn't strictly a bug,
I do agree the current behavior is not ideal

The best solution i see it to be able to see other surfaces in the map view,
But this is a change outside the scope of 'fixing bugs and stabilizing',
So i will move this report to Waiting
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Re: [0.15.18] Factorissimo2: Biter attack notifs don't show map

Post by kovarex »

We don't support viewing different map than your current one at this moment. We will probably improve this some day later, but not before 1.0
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