bank of screenshot for combinators

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bank of screenshot for combinators

Post by aRatNamedSammy »

hi.. i just saw the last FFF, and see again the screenshot of the combinator.. but when i try to see these again, later on, its become hard to found it ... under what name it was!?! or fff.. or topic...
also, as english is not my native language, and most on everything i found in my language, well, let s say it doesnt explain a thing "in deep".. i mostly learn to use combinators and logistics chest and things like that with screenies..
as combinators can be somehow complicated, a BANK of screenshots could be usefull for anyone like me ,
as exemple, first info is "this setup is for that purpose", then the screen, and then details about it.
like for expansions, train passage (as shown by kovarek in last FFF) , the thing for "in case not enough power" to activate steam engine, ect

tks to understand those who dont understand english very well :oops:
Teeth for Two (so sorry my bad english)
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Re: bank of screenshot for combinators

Post by ssilk »

There is for example the wiki; you can use it to create such a bank. If it is helpful, it will be used.
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