The server is giving the following in response to upload requests, and making the JSON parser upset:
Code: Select all
<b>[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning</b>: in file <b>[ROOT]/phpbb/plupload/plupload.php</b> on line <b>344</b>: <b>move_uploaded_file(./files/plupload/cfd5f8e59121bb005a34a00a22e0e3b4_1e8df0d2bb92a51f7d0d96f8ddc68ed0): failed to open stream: Permission denied</b><br />
<b>[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning</b>: in file <b>[ROOT]/phpbb/plupload/plupload.php</b> on line <b>344</b>: <b>move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move '/tmp/phpIqUzzJ' to './files/plupload/cfd5f8e59121bb005a34a00a22e0e3b4_1e8df0d2bb92a51f7d0d96f8ddc68ed0'</b><br />
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"id","error":{"code":103,"message":"Failed to move uploaded file."}}
I tried several times, with the same results each time.
Curiously, the request header lists the content-length as 16779815 (just over 16MB) while the actual filesize is 68748100 (~66MB) (it's a factorio save game zip) - is it trying to do a multi-request upload or something?
If the forum isn't a suitable place to post save games when reporting bugs, where should we post them?