Suggestion : New section in "Show your creation"

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Suggestion : New section in "Show your creation"

Post by Tekillaa »


Trying to find a section where i can put my Flooring/concrete Bp, i got hard time to choose the right one, so i come make a suggestion :

New section : Miscellaneous / Decorative / Others

This section can contains post about mall design, concrete flooring, funny process line which not belong to the other section etc..

I'm not tottaly sure about the name, but I hope it will give to all player a better access to some kind of creations and a better visibility on the forum, feedback about the idea are welcome, best regards.

PS : Several "no section thread" are also related to the first gameplay or the first saves, or just about a save (like a player history/journal), maybe a section for those threads can be good too
It should be add in the game: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=67650 :)
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