My name is Captain Meatshield, and I have been thoroughly enjoying Factorio ever since I was recommended the demo by a friend, earlier this year.
I played the demo in a Let's Play video, as my initial introduction to this wonderful game, and I purchased the full game via Steam, and have barely put it down!
I am currently running a Let's Play series called [Attack on] Factorio; the premise/influence for my style of play in this game is inspired by Attack on Titan, and Factorio Towns (by Bentham, of Mangled Pork Gaming).
I am scheduled to hit my 20th episode this Friday, and I fully expect the series to continue for a long time, as I'm only just getting around to Blue Science stuff, and keeping with the AoT theme, I still have a huge amount of walls, districts, and trains to set up!
I'd like to share my current playlist with you all, in the hope that some of you may enjoy it. I am always up for viewer input, critique, and suggestions, although do bear in mind that I am playing the game in this style more for the creation of an interesting, and aesthetically pleasing world, not so much an efficient factory! That's for future LP's on this game! ... reJECY77_Q