[Attack on] Factorio - Let's Play series

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[Attack on] Factorio - Let's Play series

Post by Captain_Meatshield »

Hail, Factorio Forums!

My name is Captain Meatshield, and I have been thoroughly enjoying Factorio ever since I was recommended the demo by a friend, earlier this year.
I played the demo in a Let's Play video, as my initial introduction to this wonderful game, and I purchased the full game via Steam, and have barely put it down!
I am currently running a Let's Play series called [Attack on] Factorio; the premise/influence for my style of play in this game is inspired by Attack on Titan, and Factorio Towns (by Bentham, of Mangled Pork Gaming).

I am scheduled to hit my 20th episode this Friday, and I fully expect the series to continue for a long time, as I'm only just getting around to Blue Science stuff, and keeping with the AoT theme, I still have a huge amount of walls, districts, and trains to set up!

I'd like to share my current playlist with you all, in the hope that some of you may enjoy it. I am always up for viewer input, critique, and suggestions, although do bear in mind that I am playing the game in this style more for the creation of an interesting, and aesthetically pleasing world, not so much an efficient factory! That's for future LP's on this game! :D

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... reJECY77_Q
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