"Lettuce Play" Factorio

Post about Let's plays and streams.
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
Posts: 7
Joined: Fri Feb 05, 2016 7:50 am

"Lettuce Play" Factorio

Post by Sirisma »

I make let's play videos for a number of games that I am not very good at, the intro being: "Welcome to Lettuce Play, the let's play series where I prove that somebody who is brain-dead could probably play this game better than I can."
In February I made a pair of Factorio videos demonstrating how I layout my furnaces after rewatching a video Arumba made.

Literally that week my computer died and I was unable to do much else. I started a crowdfund and was supported enough to get a new PC and start my channel back up. I have at least 3 of you to thank for that. <3

The two videos are now my first and second most watched videos I've made.:shock:
My then-limited community demanded that I start an LP so I have. Updates are expected every ~3 days and will consist of about an hour of gameplay played at 3x speed with post commentary discussing what I'm doing. I'm still new to Post commentary so my teething period may last a while. :D

Relevant links below for those interested.

Original Post: viewtopic.php?f=54&t=19964

Link to the new LP Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... aPNIoBHgRz
Crowdfund was successful! I built my own new computer!
Visit my Youtube channel for various bits and Bob's from whatever I happen to be playing :)
Warning: Profanity included :x
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