I am also new in this buissnes but here is my way (no adobe involved )JoshLittle wrote:Yeah post 500
Serious question: Does anyone know where to find a good "walkthrough" of making yt-videos? yt itself seems a bit shitty about explaining how to do it and that it's possible with a whole bunch of adobe programs is clear, but how does it the ordinary factorio ytber? I'm not going to open a new million-sub-channel, but sometimes a short video could explain more then multiple pictures. But how?
First I downloaded OBS, wich was mentioned in one FF-threat.
With this Software I capture my plays and directly load them up to YT.
OBS lets you cature a window or the whole desktop or one game in fullscreen. ou only have to set up which you want. It parallel records my voiceinput via headset. All together neatly packed in an mp4 file.
In the meanwhile I have confirmed my acount at YT so that I can put up selfmade thumbnails, which I create while the video is uploading.
And that is all I do . No magic involved