In this episode, the plastic production is finalized and the beginnings of the battery production are put into place. However, this episode doesn't end the way i hoped it would...
And here is episode 20. Time for another save file download
In order to produce batteries, we need sulfuric acid. And in order to make that, we are going to need sulfur. In this episode, we set up a sulfur mining operation in the north-east of the map and ship it back to the base via train.
It's time to take the next step in the massive production chain for Science Pack 3: Ferric Chloride Solution. This liquid is needed is various electronics recipes, so it's best to make sure there's a decent production for it.
With Ferric Chloride being produced, it's time that we take the next step in the production chain for electronic circuits: silicon plates, transistors & circuit boards.
Time to make use of all those intermediate products and assemble them into electronic circuits. We also start producing science pack 3, so we can research even more technologies.
Now that we've got both electronic circuits and science pack 3 running, we need to prepare for the next step: Advanced Metallurgy.
For that, we set up about half a dozen new train stations along with factorissimo buildings to prepare for that. Now all we need, are the resources and in order to get them, we need to go trough many more biter nests.
Time to get into advanced metallurgy and we start with 2 important metals: Aluminum & Nickel. Aluminum is an important metal for later on as part of advanced production, wheras Nickel is needed as an alloy for other metals.
In this episode, we lay down the production lines for zinc, gold, silver & electrum. All of these metals will be needed further down the line, most of all gold, due to it being one of the main components in module production.
The heavy artillery from the tank add-on mod for Bob's mods is showcased as well and it's a lot of fun to play around with.
Titanium is one of the most used materials in the game, so it's very important that we have a large production of it. Unfortunately, our current production of Calcium Chloride is not enough to supply the future Titanium production chain. What we need to do, is to build up a large support chain for Titanium, so we can produce it in large quantities. And the first step, is to produce Chalcium Chloride.
In this episode, we finish the production line for Electronic Logic Boards, one of the most important components for logistic and construction drones. Next up, is the lithium-ion battery and cobalt production.
In this episode, we start with the production chain for Lithium-Ion Batteries, starting with the chemical process to turn lithia water and cobaltite into useful products. We also witness our defenses being broken through and a bunch of big biters starting to tear the base apart.
In this episode, we finalize the production of Lithium-Ion Batteries, extend the base into the south and start laying down the production for robot brains.
NOTE: The first 5 seconds are black due to me having made a mistake during editing. Everything else is fine though.
We continue the robobrain production and finish the mk3 production line. Next will be the tools for our robots, which is going to consukme a good amount of titanium. Good thing we've got a decent production of that.
With the brains being produced in sufficient numbers, we move on to produce the robot tools. We start with brass production and move on to the production chains for the first tier of tools. As soon as we have everything we need, we shall go into the robot frame production chains.
After half the factory came to a grinding hold, i discovered that the poil production is to blame. So in this episode, we completely revamp they way we produce the oil products we need and make some money on the side while we're at it.