Community Lets Play Coop Idea (More cooperative Hydra Dilemm

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Community Lets Play Coop Idea (More cooperative Hydra Dilemm

Post by JoeSchmoe »

The Hydra Dilemma is a great lets play but it is riddled with silly mistakes from the lack of communication (one of its rules) and subtle sabotage.

I would like to see how great a factory the community can build with more cooperative, and competitive play.

Session 1: Three people start a game (same map) and play X minutes.

Session 2 - infinity: Three different people have an opportunity to watch the 3 different session 1 let's plays, and pickup from whichever one they want. (All three can pick the same, different, or any mix thereof).

Pros: Watching the previous lets play lets you know where to continue, where to tweak, etc. You always want to make the most of your time and leave the next guy in the best situation possible so that they are most likely to pick your branch, and keep it alive.

Cons: Maybe not as hilarious to see the sabotage, and imminent destruction coming 3 episodes away.

So ay interest? Specifically from those who have a lets play or wouldn't mind trying a recording or two?
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