Let's Play guide for new players

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Let's Play guide for new players

Post by MassiveDynamic »

Hi guys, I've been playing this game for several years now and I've watched a ton of videos by Xterminator, Nilaus, KatherineOfSky, and several other smaller creators. I don't have a great voice like Nilaus or Kos, nor do I have the absolute skillz of Xterminator. I wanted to put together a video series for players like me who don't use a calculator or a spreadsheet but still manage to launch rockets and have fun.
In my series I don't worry about OCD, ratios, neatness, or perfection. But I will get you past blue science and launching rockets.
I would appreciate your views and feedback... enjoy.

Also, I don't have great recording equipment, so forgive any hack mistakes. Spoiler, my recording accidentally cut off during my first video, so i had to redo it 3 times.

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