The Hydra Dilemma - A Coop Factorio Playthrough!

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Re: The Hydra Dilemma - A Coop Factorio Playthrough!

Post by Infectum13 »

JoshLittle wrote:The funny thing is: For me these are just the short "gameplay tips"
No one saw yet what "long" means in my perspective :mrgreen:
JoshLittle, you should think of starting a Factorio Blog. Daily tips and tricks for making factories. With how big the game is going to be when finally released, I bet you would get a lot of views.
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Re: The Hydra Dilemma - A Coop Factorio Playthrough!

Post by ible »

Infectum13 wrote: The reason I did the fast belts around the corners, was just to speed it up a bit. I know I didn't need to do 3, but why not. We have the resources for it. And it looks cool.
Half the reason I build anything is to make it look cool.
This is a perfectly good reason to make changes.
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Re: The Hydra Dilemma - A Coop Factorio Playthrough!

Post by -root »

Infectum13 wrote:
JoshLittle wrote:The funny thing is: For me these are just the short "gameplay tips"
No one saw yet what "long" means in my perspective :mrgreen:
JoshLittle, you should think of starting a Factorio Blog. Daily tips and tricks for making factories. With how big the game is going to be when finally released, I bet you would get a lot of views.
Then I can fixit that shit :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: revenge will be sweet.
ible wrote:
Infectum13 wrote: The reason I did the fast belts around the corners, was just to speed it up a bit. I know I didn't need to do 3, but why not. We have the resources for it. And it looks cool.
Half the reason I build anything is to make it look cool.
This is a perfectly good reason to make changes.
+1 Aesthetics rule.
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Re: The Hydra Dilemma - A Coop Factorio Playthrough!

Post by JoshLittle »

Hmm... I think if I would do it as short videos and I decide to do it in english, then you would forget about any mistake in the gameplay and your revenge would only consist in making fun about my bad accent :lol: ;)
btw: which revenge? I ever was nice to you ;)
If your belt feels too long, your wall is just too short :mrgreen:
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Re: The Hydra Dilemma - A Coop Factorio Playthrough!

Post by Xterminator »

DerivePi wrote:No coal in the network and a shortage of petro. But, there is plenty of solid fuel that runs directly over the coal field to feed the boilers at a loss of 50% on efficiency so that they can produce electricity for the electric furnaces. Always fun and entertaining! Well done Xterminator! Although I think a car is in order for further escapades - (wasn't there one made?-TIC)

Love your "Jesus!" moment.

Definitely want poison for the "Makers."
Yeah if someone hasn't done it by my next episode I will take down all the steam engines and just run off of solar. No point in them now I don't think.
Ah yes a car would be nice. Though I'm an awful driver, as I'm sure you remember me crashing our last car into the wall. :lol:
Hehe yeah that train scared the living hell out of me. Was just pure luck that I could squeeze in between those laser turrets. :p
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Re: The Hydra Dilemma - A Coop Factorio Playthrough!

Post by Infectum13 »

Episode 50 - The Big Five-Oh
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Re: The Hydra Dilemma - A Coop Factorio Playthrough!

Post by -root »

Xterminator wrote: Yeah if someone hasn't done it by my next episode I will take down all the steam engines and just run off of solar. No point in them now I don't think.
Aw man.

Perfect opportunity for red and green wires :D :lol:
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Re: The Hydra Dilemma - A Coop Factorio Playthrough!

Post by atehxx »

Infectum13 wrote:Episode 50 - The Big Five-Oh
Dump this guy from series already...... -.-'
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Re: The Hydra Dilemma - A Coop Factorio Playthrough!

Post by ssilk »

I think due to the different playing styles and abilities of the players, this is currently the best series to learn to play Factorio really deep.
Because it is about how to see things (or better: how to overseeing things) that needs to be done and then how to fix them (or break them and what then happens).

It's my daily soap opera. ;)
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Re: The Hydra Dilemma - A Coop Factorio Playthrough!

Post by -root »

atehxx wrote:
Infectum13 wrote:Episode 50 - The Big Five-Oh
Dump this guy from series already...... -.-'
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That can only mean good news. I can't wait to see what Infectum has done this time :D

@Silk: I agree. Seeing how 5 different dudes tackle problems is an interesting experiment and seeing how different problems are created and help avoid them in your own games.
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Re: The Hydra Dilemma - A Coop Factorio Playthrough!

Post by FishSandwich »

atehxx wrote:
Infectum13 wrote:Episode 50 - The Big Five-Oh
This guy is so amazing he's too good for a series like this -.-'
Yes, we agree.
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Re: The Hydra Dilemma - A Coop Factorio Playthrough!

Post by ssilk »

And one more thing is going into my mind: What this series reveals is a first impression, how multiplayer could work later.

I see some clear thing: We need some kind of standardization. Call me a German DIN fetishist. :)

Some examples: A plumber brings hot water normally to the left side, cold on the right. Turning a valve on means to rotate it against the clock. Garbage-containers stand normally as near as possibly to the street, but outside. You park your cars normally into driving direction.

It makes totally sense to have places, where you can/should grep resources from the belts, it makes sense to built so, that they can be expanded if needed, built batteries in low distance to the robot assemblies... and such things. A common sense of "this is (one of) the best way to built it, even if it is more complicated at the start and therefore you don't need to search long for it".

... but this is gona get now out of scope ... :)
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Re: The Hydra Dilemma - A Coop Factorio Playthrough!

Post by BurnHard »

ssilk wrote:... this is currently the best series to learn to play Factorio really deep....
Sorry, no... Don't want to insult anyone but.. I really watched now a couple of episodes.. And IT HURTS so much... Really... The density of fail, on so many levels... Can't say much more, really hope new players get their inspiration from somewhere else.
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Re: The Hydra Dilemma - A Coop Factorio Playthrough!

Post by zlosynus »

BurnHard wrote:
ssilk wrote:... this is currently the best series to learn to play Factorio really deep....
Sorry, no... Don't want to insult anyone but.. I really watched now a couple of episodes.. And IT HURTS so much... Really... The density of fail, on so many levels... Can't say much more, really hope new players get their inspiration from somewhere else.
Agree, there are tons of stupid decisions in this factory. But this series is about fun and confusion, and it is great for enjoyment. For instance, today when Infectum was trying to attack biters, I was having so much fun watching him fail horribly in that :).
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Re: The Hydra Dilemma - A Coop Factorio Playthrough!

Post by -root »

BurnHard wrote:The density of fail, on so many levels...
Agree with this, I do. Strong with fail, this series is. :lol:
BurnHard wrote:Can't say much more, really hope new players get their inspiration from somewhere else.
As for this I would like to say that I learn from mistakes. Doesn't matter if they are my mistakes or someone elses, there is still a lesson to be learnt. A new player watching the series can be exposed to many people's solutions to a problem and see very clearly what works and what doesn't in often hilarious and over the top ways. They can also see 5 people's thoughts on something in the space of a couple of episodes.
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Re: The Hydra Dilemma - A Coop Factorio Playthrough!

Post by ssilk »

BurnHard wrote:
ssilk wrote:... this is currently the best series to learn to play Factorio really deep....
Sorry, no...
BurnHard, this is your sight and mine of course too (as said this is my daily soap, I learn only how fun multiplayer could be and sometime I was at a point where I would gave some $$$ to take the mouse now, but that is the fun part of this), but yes, beginners can learn a lot, because they don't see, what we see and will wonder, how they didn't see that coming.

You learn from the failures, not from making it right.
IT HURTS so much... Really... The density of fail, on so many levels...
:D It's pure fun, seeing Infectum failing to reach the biter nest, where the solution was so near. I'm sure he will look into the solution of others and will learn to master this.
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Re: The Hydra Dilemma - A Coop Factorio Playthrough!

Post by FishSandwich »

BurnHard wrote:Sorry, no... Don't want to insult anyone but.. I really watched now a couple of episodes.. And IT HURTS so much... Really... The density of fail, on so many levels... Can't say much more, really hope new players get their inspiration from somewhere else.
Despite the fact that this isn't and was never intended to be a serious series, there are still some very inspirational builds in here(yes yes, that includes -root's insane logistic bot setup), even from Infectum, who came into the series knowing very little past the early-mid game.

In fact, Infectum is a good example of how someone can learn and grow in knowledge and experience from watching this series. He himself admits this on many occasions.
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Re: The Hydra Dilemma - A Coop Factorio Playthrough!

Post by Junion »

As a newbie, who has watched this series because its funny...(honestly this is my first post..)

I need to agree that this really is a good series to learn with. I don't need to just know what is a good idea..I need to know WHY its a good idea.

While people come in and fix things, all mistakes, all issues, all problems, are genuine non-staged mistakes. So I'm able to see through a method that actually isn't as silly as some make it out to be, not only what is right..but what is wrong. Remember a smart person learns from their mistakes, a wise person learns from the mistakes of others ;).

Basically this is a right combination of smart, stupid, plain old head scratching, and entertaining to be a good learning experience.

In fact.
Current episode spoilers
And honestly for the series..I feel sorry for some of the people who need to fix everyones mistakes..but it's been a hoot to watch..even the breakdowns...Fish going on a murderous rampage, and everything. And I'd like to thank all 5 of you for an entertaining and educational (on the game) experience :).
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Re: The Hydra Dilemma - A Coop Factorio Playthrough!

Post by ColonelFailure »

I've been enjoying this series and I think the question of fail is an interesting one on a philosophical level.

Factorio, from my perspective, is excellent not least of all because you can only lose the game by failing to complete the objective. You have an endless number of opportunities to get it right as long as there are still resources in the ground.

Is there room for better efficiency, less waste, less bloat? Almost undoubtedly, almost without exception to any build it could have been done better by someone, somewhere. But that's not the point. In my view the joy of the game is dealing with your own inadequacies; trying to funnel resources into an assembler you know should fit then having to tear it all up again because it doesn't.

I wouldn't point a newcomer at a perfect build because I believe that teaching yourself to improve is where most of the fun lives. I like seeing an elegant and efficient layout, but when it comes down to it that's not how I roll. My builds evolve over time and I recall having done them - if something breaks I can quickly identify where and why, the imperfections making it better.

Your mileage may, of course vary.
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