Factorio - Guide for Dummies - How to use the Empty Barrel's

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Factorio - Guide for Dummies - How to use the Empty Barrel's

Post by rufflezau »

Hi Guys,

Just slamming these tutorials any requests? tomorrow I'll cover Logistic and Construction robots.

Factorio - Guide for Dummies - How to use the Empty Barrel to make Crude Oil Barrel - Fill & Empty


Any requests, tips or things I missed please let me know :)

Cheers and have fun :D
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Re: Factorio - Guide for Dummies - How to use the Empty Barrel's

Post by ftbreizhbugs »

MMMh, no: Too overkill!
For the filling and emptying, Keep simple!
Here is what i use:
oil.jpg (425.26 KiB) Viewed 2477 times
First i produce my barrel manually, i dont need a huge number of them. 40 per exploitation site is enough. As you can see, i limit the size in the chest for empty barrel. I use a 2 wagons train (fisrt wagon for filled barrel, second for empty) and use no transport belt so the barrels balancing is easier between each production site!. I put a tank for that the assembly work at full speed when the trains arrives, the assembly is so fast filling the barrel that 90% of the barrels are filled immediatly.

This system is a bit "small" when the oil deposit starts to be exploited, but its already overkill when it start to dry out (only ~5/10 barrel filled by the time the train makes its journey) so no need to go bigger per site...

On the refinery side, only 1 assembler is enough too.

I wont show my refineries because my setup sucks for now i need to redo it and i just wanted to speak of the barrel side :)
(You should use more underground pipe, to allow to move with more ease around your refineries too !)
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Re: Factorio - Guide for Dummies - How to use the Empty Barrel's

Post by Happiej »

Well, I do not want to offend anyone ofcourse and I understand you put quite some effort in this videos, but here is my unsalted opinion:

A lot of your videos just aren't showing effective or modular builds, or just things that won't work in the long run.

Let's just be honest, there are too many Factorio tutorial video's on the internet already. I get that everyone wants to show off their skills or knowledge or whatever, but on all the subjects I see you covering (or anyone else for that matter) There are much more clearer and simply better videos on youtube. My personal favorite are those of -root which are very detailed and have been very very helpfull to me personally.

So if you or anyone else wants to keep posting videos that's fine with me ofcourse, but please put some thoughts in your builds and some practical examples. And make sure that what you are posting either contains information that is not in any other video yet, or make sure that you improved something like a better design that actually helps people.

Again, I don't mean to offend anyone, but that's my opinion so feel free to agree or disagree.
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