Looking for someone to share a playthrough with

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Long Handed Inserter
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Looking for someone to share a playthrough with

Post by THENIRL »

I'm looking for someone who is able to play one or two hours a week, on Saturdays, between 9:30am and 23:00pm GMT. The purpose is to divide each session into 15 minute episodes to upload over the week, record a full playthough, and have some fun in the process. I do need someone who is also recording and uploads videos, for a couple of reasons: first, sometimes I have sound recording issues, and having someone be able to send me a recording's sound file is invaluable; second, I want to be able to watch some of your footage before I play with you, just to get a feel for who you are and how your personality is.

If you're interested, please feel free to message me. My own youtube channel is http://www.youtube.com/user/whatisthenirl


P.S.: I've posted something similar to this before, in another subforum. Apparently, I am blind, but I'm making ammends now =)
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Re: Looking for someone to share a playthrough with

Post by azurelinctus »

Hi Francisco, if you try installing the evolve client https://www.evolvehq.com/client then join a group on evolve called Factorio[Hydra] https://www.evolvehq.com/groups/factoriohydra the group is now 65 in total with upwards 20 online and 10 or more now in the group chat playing factorio! Join and I'm sure you can find someone to share the playthrough with.
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