Just letting everyone know that Hydra is holding a competition for Factorio Vanilla.
The full details will be announced tomorrow at my time of about 2pm Australia EST (UTC +10), the competition wont start till the end of next week (time to be determined) so you have until then to check back on this thread for the full details.
Basics are that there will be 2 categories, single player and multi player (2-4 players) both of which will have a separate seed that we will require entrants to play on, each categories may have different/a set of sub categories/requirments to win a final prize (I know that may read a bit confusing but it won't tomorrow).
We would require all applicants to have Evolve https://www.evolvehq.com/welcome and join up to the Factorio[Hydra] group https://www.evolvehq.com/groups/factoriohydra as the seed for both categories will be announced there, the final prize would be Steam gifts so a Steam account would be required. The save file of each applicant would have to be uploaded somewhere to be accessible by the judges and the final save must be saved in the spawn location (if your off by a bit don't stress

Any entrants would have to post here in this thread their intention to compete and in which category, if you and others are going to collaborate in the multi player category each member of that team must post here stating who is in their team eg/ Team Gleam(dumb team name

If anyone of the Factorio Team want to get in on the competition or support it would be welcome, I hope too that I'm not breaking any rules as competitions in forums are usually allowed and I did check to see if there are any rules I could be breaking but didn't find any.
Any and all questions will be answered tomorrow after the full details are given, not before