memory for headless multiplayer?

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memory for headless multiplayer?

Post by Yehn »

Hi all

Just wondering... what kind of memory usage do you see for the headless version of factorio? Is there a recommended minimum for a headless server?

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Re: memory for headless multiplayer?

Post by eventualmango »

In my experience the absolute minimum you will need for a ~4 player server is 1gb which will be consumed quickly and you may experience some lag, especially as your factory grows. 2gb would be optimal.
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Re: memory for headless multiplayer?

Post by Quazil »

Fresh-start vanilla server uses ~320MB so I would say a minimum of 512MB to give you some breathing room.

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Re: memory for headless multiplayer?

Post by Varonimus »

After 4½ days with a lot of stuff produced by 110 players
(34k solar panels, 29k accu, 775 effect transmission, 2.2k assembling machine 3, 658 roboports, ...)
factorio needs 2.33 GB

(version 0.14.5 on server # Big City # one rocket per minute # EU West)
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Re: memory for headless multiplayer?

Post by luc »

The "Big City # one rocket per minue # EU West" server is a rather big one though, at least in my experience. Perhaps the biggest map I've downloaded yet.

Things will grow to this size eventually with enough players, but if you are looking to have some fun with a few friends, it's not a good benchmark of memory required for any headless multiplayer server.

It would also be interesting to know how well Factorio works with swap, especially if you have an SSD available (many VPSes do these days). If you have two players on a big map that needs to be swapped out partially, that might be totally fine, or the game might try to randomly access lots of places and it would totally suck.
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Re: memory for headless multiplayer?

Post by robopilot99 »

I run a server with a few friends (2-3 rarely 4) on a free tier AWS box (1Gb ram) and have no performance issues.
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Re: memory for headless multiplayer?

Post by Redstylt »

robopilot99 wrote:I run a server with a few friends (2-3 rarely 4) on a free tier AWS box (1Gb ram) and have no performance issues.
Free server ^^ ? how ? (24/7 ?)
Just a big fan of Factorio and all its mods
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Re: memory for headless multiplayer?

Post by luc »

> how?

Well he mentions it, no? :)

I remember AWS is free up to some point (that you usually hit early on, it's basically a trial period). I don't know what the limits are, just look at their pricing page. Apparently Factorio's headless server (24/7 or not, I don't know) can stay under that limit with not too many players.
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