Steam Server

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Steam Server

Post by Lucrin »

Hi all, I just got my dedicated server working from my steam installation but when I launch the server no configuration window or anything stays open, it just disappears and runs in the background. That being the case how should I go about stopping and starting the server again? I had just ended the task before in task manager but I am worried this may end up causing problems. Also I have noticed it seems when I start the server up again it just loads the original unmodified save file rather than loading the most recent autosave. Is there a way to make it automatically load the most recent save? Thanks all.
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Re: Steam Server

Post by Koub »


A lot useful information doing (if you're on Windows) :

Code: Select all

\bin\x64>Factorio.exe --help

Code: Select all

General options:
  -h [ --help ]                 display help
  --wait-to-close arg           Wait until the specified process finishes.
  --version                     show version information
  -c [ --config ] PATH          config file to use

Running options:
  -s [ --map2scenario ] arg     map to scenario conversion
  --apply-update arg            immediately apply update package
  --create SAVE                 create a new map
  --start-server SAVE           start a multiplayer server
  --mp-load-game SAVE           start Factorio and load a game in multiplayer
  --load-game SAVE              start Factorio and load a game in singleplayer
  --mp-connect ADDRESS          start factorio and connect to address
  --benchmark SAVE              load save and run benchmark
  --benchmark-ticks N (=1 000)  number of ticks for benchmarking. Default is

Server options:
  --latency N                   multiplayer server latency, in ticks
  --latency-ms N                multiplayer server latency, in milliseconds
  --autosave-interval N (=2)    server autosave interval, in minutes
  --autosave-slots N (=3)       server autosave slots
  --disallow-commands           disallow use of the command console
  --peer-to-peer                use peer-to-peer communication
  --no-auto-pause               don't automatically pause when no players are
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Steam Server

Post by Lucrin »

Alright, thanks for the information. From the options you listed the best thing I can think to do would be to restrict the autosave slots to 1 and then just always create the server from autosave 1 then, unless anyone has a better recommendation?
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Re: Steam Server

Post by Koub »

Well a 1 slot means that if you mess things up, you'll have no undo.
I'd prefer a 10 slot, but I admit I'm not into all this multiplayer and servers at all. Kind of misathrop you might say :)
I'll let people who practice a lot of multi answer, or you can use search function to fiddle around, there are manu topics treating that kind of subject in this forum.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Steam Server

Post by Lucrin »

Koub wrote:Well a 1 slot means that if you mess things up, you'll have no undo.
I'd prefer a 10 slot, but I admit I'm not into all this multiplayer and servers at all. Kind of misathrop you might say :)
I'll let people who practice a lot of multi answer, or you can use search function to fiddle around, there are manu topics treating that kind of subject in this forum.
So there is a way to use a search function to always load the latest file? I will have to do some digging, thanks.
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Re: Steam Server

Post by Bisa »

Lucrin wrote:So there is a way to use a search function to always load the latest file? I will have to do some digging, thanks.
no, he told you to search the forums ;)

the server will start with whatever save you designate at startup using the --start-server SAVE argument, where SAVE is the name of your save, for example - to load you add this to the binary "--start-server my_saved_singleplayer_world" (as Koub noted, I'd also suggest keeping a few auto save slots.

Check out the wiki for more info on how to set up dedicated servers: ... ess_server
Hosting a factorio server? Take a look at this || init script ||.
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Re: Steam Server

Post by prg »

On Linux, you can kludge something together like

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./factorio --start-server $(basename $(ls -t ../../saves/_autosave* | head -n 1))
to get at the freshest autosave. Bet there's something similar on Windows.
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