[0.15.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Some mods, made by Bob. Basically streaks every Factroio-area.

Moderator: bobingabout

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[0.15.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by bobingabout »

There were a few that were dropped, such as the Config mod, which is integrated into each mod's in game menus now.
Techsave is also discontinued, as that functionality is built in.
Tech mod has also moved into it's new direction, Rather than adding a science pack 4, it adds Logistic science pack, and most logistic based research that used the production pack now uses this one instead. It also changes the pack's recipes a little to be more reminiscent to 0.14, and use some Bob's parts in science packs 3, Logistics and High tech.

Over all, things are in a relatively clean and stable state.

  • v0.15.0:
    • Updated.
    • Science packs tweaked, Config options added.
  • v0.15.1:
    • Changed Chemical plant to use new (and HD) graphics, with coloured animation for new recipes.
  • v0.15.2:
    • Electronics machines is now an option.
    • Turn it off for sandbox mode, "God" can't craft electronics if they're enabled, which leads to not being able to build the machine.
  • v0.15.3:
    • Added icon_size tags to categories.
    • removed conditional require: multiplayer checksum fix
    • Changed science packs in technologies from 1+2+P to 1+2+3
    • Reduced build times for chemical plant and oil refinery to match base game changes
  • v0.15.4:
    • fixed chemical plant east/west graphics being swapped.
  • v0.15.5:
    • fixed furnace mask shift
    • adjusted electrolyser recipe times.
  • v0.15.6:
    • updated electrolyser tech icon.
  • v0.15.7:
    • Added god entity crafting for electronics (For 0.15.26+ of factorio)

  • v0.15.0:
    • Updated without any changes.

  • v0.15.0:
    • Updated.
    • Added expensive recipe for electronic components and completed boards.
    • replaced alien science pack with production science pack on advanced electronics 3.
  • v0.15.1:
    • Removed synthetic wood, synthetic recipe gives real wood.
  • v0.15.2:
    • Migration fix
    • Changed advanced electronics 3 cost to high-tech
  • v0.15.3:
    • Added god entity crafting for electronics (For 0.15.26+ of factorio)

  • v0.15.0:
    • Updated.
    • Had to update 1 base game function call.
    • Added config option for biters/spitters dropping small artifacts.
    • Re-added base game artifact too.
    • Artifacts are disabled by default.
  • V0.15.1:
    • Added the ability to use 1 coloured artifact and 5 normal to make 5 coloured artifacts.
  • v0.15.2:
    • removed conditional require: multiplayer checksum fix
    • Base game nests should now drop alien artifacts
    • full stat rebalance to match base game changes
    • Leviathan health multiplied by 10 to make them more of a boss

  • v0.15.0:
    • Updated, didn't need to change anything to make it work.
    • multiplied fluids by 10
    • made the recipes a little better to add an expensive version that wasn't going backwards.
  • v0.15.1:
    • Added fuel category to seedlings
  • v0.15.2:
    • New recipe override for Fertilizer. Nitric Acid + Ammonia if both fluids exist. Falls back on old recipes if they don't

  • v0.15.0:
    • Updated without any changes.
  • v0.15.1:
    • Change rotate default from SHIFT + R to CTRL + R as the former is used for reverse rotate now
    • Add fix for 0.15.17
    • Added config options to turn off long2 and more2 research.

  • v0.15.0:
    • Updated without any changes.
  • V0.15.1:
    • Edit to make recipe manipulation functions handle expensive mode recipe variations. Fluids also divide by 10 when transforming into items and vica verca on recipe item replacement.
  • v0.15.2:
    • Edited replace ingredient to handle expensive properly.
    • Added difficulty specific versions of remove, add and add new ingredient, remove and add recipe functions.
  • v0.15.3:
    • Updated ore graphics to the new style, added HD versions too
    • Updated ore functions to handle this
  • v0.15.4:
    • Added dynamic icon generation to resource generation!
    • Added effect(glow) compatibility to resource generation
  • v0.15.5:
    • Changed infinite_depletion_amount default when infinite ores is turned on from 10 to 1.
  • v0.15.6:
    • Added a function for barrel item/recipes
  • v0.15.7:
    • added function bobmods.lib.recipe.difficulty_split(recipe)
  • v0.15.8:
    • Fixed recipe difficulty split function's enable tag copy
    • ore create function can now accept stage_counts as an array variable.
  • v0.15.9:
    • Fixed liquid_required lines for ores.
  • v0.15.10:
    • Fixed bobmods.lib.machine.type_if_add_resource_category function

  • v0.15.0:
    • Updated.
    • Did the usual (Make things work, science updates etc.)
    • Upgraded train and cargo wagon graphics to HD, Added fluid wagon
    • Converted "small pump" to new "pump" specifications.
    • Lots of other small patches.
    • Added config options too. Vehicle equipment grids removed.
  • V0.15.1:
    • fixed a minor science pack issue.
  • V0.15.2:
    • added icon_size to category.
    • Increased roboport construction range slightly to bring in line with new roboport ranges.
    • fixed logistic system 2 icon size.
    • Fixed Valve error.
  • V0.15.3:
    • removed conditional require: multiplayer checksum fix
    • Fixed Valve locale entry
    • Move long inserter unlock from Automation to Long inserters 1 research.
    • Belt recipe ballance
    • character-logistic-slots-10 is now infinitely researchable.
    • Replaced a lot of production science packs with logistics if it exists
    • Added infinite research for logistic slots, and calculated research for inventory size
  • v0.15.4:
    • all my added robotics and robots researches now require an extra tier science pack
    • Removed production and high tech pack requirement from Logistic system
    • Fixed valve. Since it's based on the storage tank, which is now two_direction_only = true, and the entity type is true by default. I set it to false.
  • V0.15.5:
    • Changed logistics 4 technology cost to 1+2+3+L and 5 to 1+2+3+L+H
    • changed character logistics slots max level to 20, and changed cost formula to double each level
  • v0.15.6:
    • Add inserter config fix for 0.15.17
    • fix logistics button off centre

  • v0.15.0:
    • Updated mining drill graphics for new and HD versions.
    • Mining drills MK3 cost cobalt steel instead of invar.
    • Added config options.
    • Adjusted science costs.
  • v0.15.1:
    • Fixed all pumpjack and water mining entities, they should actually work now.
  • v0.15.2:
    • removed conditional require: multiplayer checksum fix
    • Pumpjack crafting time reduced

  • v0.15.0:
    • Updated.
    • Added config options, more customisable than before too.
    • Added a lot of expensive recipes.
  • v0.15.1:
    • Fixed beacon science
  • v0.15.2:
    • Alien artifacts are checked before being used, if they don't exist, there's a hole in the recipe.(Gems are prefered anyway).
    • Added icon_size tag to all researchs and modules category.
  • V0.15.3:
    • Multiply fluid values by 10.
    • Option productivity costs speed should now actually work
    • removed conditional require: multiplayer checksum fix
  • V0.15.4:
    • Changed minimum per level from 1% to 0%

  • v0.15.0:
    • Updated without any changes.
    • Major work on adding mod configuration settings to the mod (This took all evening because I had to figure out how to do it first).
  • v0.15.1:
    • Fixed an issue with gem ore.
    • Added a settings check for sort unsorted gems to be available only when unsorted gems option is selected.
  • v0.15.2:
    • Added Thorium ore to test out the new features of library 0.15.4
  • v0.15.3:
    • removed conditional require: multiplayer checksum fix
  • v0.15.4:
    • Changed infinite_depletion_amount when infinite ores is turned on from 10 to 1.
  • v0.15.5:
    • multiply lithia water and ground water result values to match current vanilla 10x factor.
  • v0.15.6:
    • Fixed sapphire and ruby values swapped.
    • Added stack size increase for Uranium ore and Sulfur

  • v0.15.0:
    • Updated.
    • All the barrelling stuff removed/disabled in favour of the base game stuff.
    • Science packs changed to new base game packs.
    • Settings for Inventory size, Cheaper steel and Battery updated included.
    • Inventory size default changed to base game value.
  • v0.15.1:
    • Multiply all fluid values by 10 to conform to new base game standard.
    • Edit a few recipes slightly to require less electrolysis based "fluids"(gasses).
    • Key change so far, 1 output of hydrogen chloride can now feed 2 tungstic acid factories instead of 1, and ~2 ferric-chloride factories. (Noted as they were most likely to be direct feeds, rather than more of a bus system)
  • V0.15.2:
    • Slight change to science packs on some technologies.
  • V0.15.3:
    • Added fuel category to synthetic wood and carbon.
    • Added water mining to all mining machines that mine "basic-fluid", AKA, Pumpjacks (Needed for Lithia water if you don't have bobmining installed)
    • Added expensive recipes for gears, bearings and batteries.
  • V0.15.4:
    • Add icon_size tags to categories.
    • Fixed battery recipe override in expensive mode.
    • removed conditional require: multiplayer checksum fix
    • Added an ores enable override for required ores as a settings option.
    • added an exception to gems to check if gems from other ores is enabled before activating the gem ore.
    • added an exception to nickel to check if lead gives nickel is enabled before activating the nickel ore.
  • v0.15.5:
    • Increased oxygen output of water electrolysis to 25.
    • Re-added ware pump for barrelling.
    • Moved barrelling recipes to use the water pump
    • Changed gas barrels into gas bottles.
  • v0.15.6:
    • Changed Oxygen output from water electrolysis back to 12.5, that's where it was supposed to be, oops.
    • Added fuel value to liquid fuel barrel (Will not return an empty barrel when burned right now, as this would require a return slot in everything that burns fuel)
    • Added 2 new settings options:
      • Enable Pure water. If enabled, pure water will exist and be required for electrolysis. It replaces the result of normal water mining splotches, and can be condensed via steam.
      • Water Bore recipes. If enabled the classic "Water from anywhere" on the water pump will be enabled... I wasn't going to do this, but it was requested.
  • v0.15.7:
    • Made barreling recipes for pure water always unlocked (due to migration issues related with turning it off and on again)
    • Added fuel_category = "chemical" to chemical and mixing furnaces (burner)
    • Added steel versions of Metal mixing furnace unlocked via new technology (Ideally it should have been alloy processing 2, but that would mean bumping 2 to 3, and since it is referenced by my others mods, thought it would be easier to make a new technology branch for it)
    • Added steel version of Chemical furnace, unlocked by chemical processing 2.
    • Added petroleum gas to gas canisters instead of barrels.
    • Added the Canister back in for ferric chloride and liquid fuel barrelling
    • Removed synthetic wood, synthetic recipe gives real wood.
  • v0.15.8:
    • Barrelling recipes should now be craftable in both the barrelling and assembling machines.
  • v0.15.9:
    • Added enriched-fuel
    • Added recipe to make enriched fuel from liquid fuel
    • minor fluid recipe reballance
    • Changed advanced electronics 3 cost to high-tech
    • Added Distillery (to turn water or lithia water into pure water)
  • v0.15.10:
    • updated electrolysis (tech and recipe) icon, and changed pure water to molecular icon
    • remove automation 2 from the electrolysis prerequisite when pure water is turned on
    • pure water turned on by default now
    • fixed canister stack sizes
    • Enriched fuel block balance
    • Added Vanilla barrelling option, which allows you to barrel in assembling machines if enabled.
  • v0.15.11:
    • Added a on_configuration_changed recipe updates
    • Added stack size increase for Uranium ore and Sulfur
  • v0.15.12:
    • Added inventory size option to effect god entity (For 0.15.26+ of factorio)

  • v0.15.0:
    • Increased substation ranges by diameter 2 each (to match base game's +2)
    • updated all science
    • updated solar panel healths.
    • Completely remade boilers and steam engine generators.
  • v0.15.1: (not released yet)
    • Slightly increased new boiler power consumption values. (MK4 boilers should not be 2:1 with MK3 steam engines. Boiler now produces +50% steam and engine consumes +50% steam.)
  • v0.15.1:
    • Added boiler fast replace (and heat exchanger)
    • Added steam turbine mk 2 and 3
    • Added heat exchanger MK2 and 3
    • Added expensive recipe for steam engine and turbine
  • v0.15.2:
    • Emergancy boiler/steam engine fix to use new factorio v0.15.10 steam (and not crash the game)
  • v0.15.3:
    • Replace production science pack with Logistics (if it exists) on top tier power poles
  • v0.15.4:
    • Added fast replace to boiler mk4.

  • v0.15.0:
    • Updated to 0.15.
    • Multiplied all fluid values by 10
  • v0.15.1:
    • Rocket silo revamp part 1:
      • Added 5 new fluid intermediates
      • remapped the progression to rocket-silo, giving rocket fuel it's own research
  • v0.15.2:
    • Added barrelling
    • Added Hydrazine to enriched fuel recipe.
    • fluid recipe rebalance (to bring new chains in line with MCI chains)
  • v0.15.3:
    • Enriched fuel block recipe balance
    • Rocket part recipe upgrade
      • added heat shield tiles and research, and added to rocket parts recipe
      • reworked low density structure recipe and added research
      • reworked rocket control circuit recipe
      • reworked satellite recipe
      • completely changed the prerequisites of rocket silo research (removed modules research, there's no need for them any more)
  • v0.15.4:
    • increase ingredient count on rocket silo
  • v0.15.5:
    • Changed sulfur output count from 20 to 2.

  • v0.15.0:
    • Updated to 0.15.
    • re-added alien science pack
    • Advanced lab is now just a faster lab, no extra science packs
    • Science pack 4 removed
    • Logistics science pack added
  • v0.15.1:
    • rebalanced logistics pack to be of science pack 4 tier(like productivity), instead of 2.5
  • v0.15.2:
    • Added a lot of tech overrides for logistic science pack
  • v0.15.3:
    • Adjusted Logistic science pack to take the same time as production/high-tech science packs, and give 2 per run.
    • Fixed braking force science pack replacement.

Vehicle equipment:
  • v0.15.0:
    • Updated all science packs
    • added alien artifact alternative to recipes.
    • adjusted laser defence stats (damage x 15 and power x 2 all round).
    • Added vehicle equipment grids from logistics and warfare mods to add to vehicles when this mod is installed.
  • v0.15.1:
    • Fixed a technology prerequisite on vehicle-big-turret-equipment-4
    • Added vehicle roboport 2
  • v0.15.2:
    • added Plasma cannon minimum range 20

  • v0.15.0:
    • Updated night vision to be 2x2 and conform to new specification. with MK3 you can barely even tell it's night!
    • Updated laser defence, 2x2, uses twice the energy and deals 15 times the damage!
    • Adjusted pretty much all damage values
    • All technology files updated, science packs adjusted, some sciences removed as they're now in base game, added infinite damage research to my list of damage research technologies.
    • Updated all the recipes to remove alien artifacts from the mandatory lists and make them optional with a new fallback of processing units.
  • v0.15.1:
    • removed conditional require: multiplayer checksum fix
    • Added radius_minimap_visualisation_color tag to radars.
    • Added high tech science pack to combat robotics 4.
    • Power armor mk4 now uses the correct grid
  • v0.15.2:
    • fixed Tank Artillery Shooting Speed 5
    • Fixed mines, they no longer crash the game
  • v0.15.3:
    • Added a vehicle flamethrower to tanks MK2+3 (note, order changed, you might need to shuffle ammo)
Creator of Bob's mods. Expanding your gameplay since version 0.9.8.
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Re: [0.15.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by Randonx »

Hello Bob.

I'm testing the mods you've updated to 15.x so far, and they all seem to be working except for the Inserters mod. I can't seem to locate the GUI button for the Inserter adjustments, although if I bind a key and have an inserter selected when I hit it the GUI will pop up Any idea what could be going on? (I've tried on a new game, and a saved game)

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Re: [0.15.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by bobingabout »

You are confusing things.

Inserters mod adds a GUI to edit placed inserters. This is done by pointing to the inserter you want to edit and pressing the key combination.

Logistics mod (Which isn't updated yet) is the mod that adds the button to open what I call the pre-place menu, and that's the one you appear to be looking for.
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Re: [0.15.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by Karosieben »

If you need any assistance in updating your mod or reworking graphics, let me know. I'm here to help :-)
My german YouTube Channel: Karosieben
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Re: [0.15.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by bobingabout »

Perhaps in the future. But right now I'd rather plod through converting it by myself.

If you want to help, the best thing you can do right now is bugtest the mods I have already updated. Perhaps make a list of any issues, or things that just don't quite make sense. Even just sugestions.

With the current release list, since we can consume fluids to mine ores now, perhaps a good list of suggestions could be higher tier ores that might require a fluid to mine.

This could be something on ideas for the future, but another interesting mechanic is that there's actually a fuel category system now. I don't know if fluids can be used as a fuel, but you could have say, Fuel cells to work only on an electric locomotive, or even have batteries classed in the electrical fuel category.
Creator of Bob's mods. Expanding your gameplay since version 0.9.8.
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Re: [0.15.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by cengbrecht »

Just a note, new enemies suggest we need the bob's config updated as well.
Do we always need to enable all the ores, or is it just because we don't have a use for them till the other mods are updated?

By the way, LOVE YOUR MODS! :)

My friend and I have put together many 50 hour+ games. :P

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Re: [0.15.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by bobingabout »

The ores are enabled under a logical OR condition, meaning if you tick the box, they're always on.
MCI will turn on the necessary ones (All except Sulphur and Cobalt I think) by default anyway, so if MCI is installed, you can't turn them off even if you uncheck the box.

And that needing config is an oops, I forgot to delete the line from the dependency.
Creator of Bob's mods. Expanding your gameplay since version 0.9.8.
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Re: [0.15.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by arbarbonif »

The hotkeys for changing the orientation of inserters seems messed up in the .15 version. In the controls menu it only shows an option for changing output, not input, direction. Without any researches it works as advertised (though you can't change input), but if you research more inserters it starts messing up. It ends up changing both the input and output in weird (though deterministic) ways. The UI is working fine tho.

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Re: [0.15.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by raiyuza »


Any way i can support you financially? do you have paypal? Or patreon?

Fyi i couldn't pm you cause of forum rules.

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Re: [0.15.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by bobingabout »

I have a paypal. I don't advertise it. It is however my contact email in the mods.
Creator of Bob's mods. Expanding your gameplay since version 0.9.8.
I also have a Patreon.

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Re: [0.15.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by Recon777 »

bobingabout wrote:Ores: Updated without any changes.
Considering that the vanilla ores now have different textures which don't appear tiled, do you have to take this into account and remake the textures for the custom ores? Or does that carry through from the base game?

Also, as it your mod suite or another (I used RSO) which determined the starting area resources?

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Re: [0.15.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by Recon777 »

I noticed the deprecated "Gem Sort" recipe is still there. Probably time to get rid of this.


Also, in looking at my starting area, I only see the vanilla ores. Isn't there supposed to be custom ore in the starting location?

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Re: [0.15.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by bobingabout »

Recon777 wrote:
bobingabout wrote:Ores: Updated without any changes.
Considering that the vanilla ores now have different textures which don't appear tiled, do you have to take this into account and remake the textures for the custom ores? Or does that carry through from the base game?

Also, as it your mod suite or another (I used RSO) which determined the starting area resources?
Pass 1: Makes things work.
Pass 2: Make things make sense.

Updating graphics would come in Pass 2 of the updating. And I'm sure you'll agree that catering to those people who just want to play my mods by doing a "Make it work" first pass is probably going to be much better than delaying to do graphics updates.
I promise I'll come back and do them later.

Recon777 wrote:I noticed the deprecated "Gem Sort" recipe is still there. Probably time to get rid of this.

Also, in looking at my starting area, I only see the vanilla ores. Isn't there supposed to be custom ore in the starting location?
The recipe isn't deprecated, if you look through the new settings page you should notice that one of the in-game settings is to turn on unsorted gem ores.

I'll fix it by adding a check for that setting, and appearing only if it is enabled. Since it isn't unlocked by a technology and is just always available it shouldn't break anything if you decide to turn the setting on or off. (Except you might still end up with a heap of unsorted gems that you can't sort anymore)
EDIT: Actually, I think I found a bug. The ores are defined after the ore creation first pass, therefore gem ore probably doesn't exist. I'll fix that.

And new ores do spawn in the starting area. They do seem a bit on the rare side, but I've seen Tin and Quartz in my starting area on a test game, plus Lithia water.
EDIT: Oh right, they're all turned off by default. If you want them to appear you need to turn them on manually. It has always been this way, but you probably didn't notice because MCI turns them on for you automatically... or more accurately, it overrides the setting to turn on the ones you need for the mod to function properly.
Creator of Bob's mods. Expanding your gameplay since version 0.9.8.
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Re: [0.15.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by SphynxLoL »

The suspense is killing me, Bob! Can't wait to see how this amazing mod suite ties in with 0.15 research. Dying to get your logistics and warfare back! Keep up the great work. Your hard work and dedication is greatly appreciated!

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Re: [0.15.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by joaohm »

Well, I love bob´s mods! Personaly I hate robots, so I am a die hard fan of transport belts madness. So the logistic in bob´s mods with 2 more tiers of transport belts and ultra fast inserters are a must for me. I love the tier 4,5 and 6 assembling machines too. Suggestion: make a tier 6 transport belt, maybe black or white in colour, would love something like this. Thank you so much for your hard work Bob.

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Re: [0.15.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by Airat9000 »

;) hello bobtechsave update?

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Re: [0.15.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by Nexela »

Airat9000 wrote:;) hello bobtechsave update?
Why? It isn't needed Factorio saves research progress and has for a long time

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Re: [0.15.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by Toxic_Drop »


When i install the latest Bob's metals Chemicals and Intermediates,(0.15.0) it doesn't appear to be compatible with angelsinfinite ores or angelsrefining...

Is there something i have done wrong? I get a bad argument #1 List error.... disabling angels mods then allows it to work, are these 2 mods not compatible?


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Re: [0.15.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by asura6 »

Same here i thought bob's mods and Angel666 mods are always compatible, but somehow new version of MCI and assemblers are not.

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Re: [0.15.x] Bob's Mods: General Discussion

Post by orzelek »

First there needs to be a Bob's mods update then Angel can update his. Give it a bit more time :D
And mod portal being dead most of the time doesn't help :|

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