[MOD 0.15.x] CMHMod (my take on balancing Bob's Mods)

Some mods, made by Bob. Basically streaks every Factroio-area.

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[MOD 0.15.x] CMHMod (my take on balancing Bob's Mods)

Post by CMH »

Type: Mod
Name: CMHMod
Description: My take on balancing Bob's Mods. Reduced number of ores, multiple production choices for plates. Harder end-game rocket production.
License: This document is Copyright ©() () () and is the intellectual property of the author. It may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use as long as it remains in its unaltered, unedited form. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this mod on any other website or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright
Version: 0.1.0
Release: 0.0.1
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.12.35 (should work with 0.12.xx)
Category: (Alpha, Item, Gameplay)
Tags: Bob's Mods balance, CMHMod, Harder end game, multiple smelting possibilities.
for factorio version 0.12
for factorio version 0.13
for factorio version 0.14 <-- This for full mod.
CMHModBobEndGame - only rocket changes, no extra/changed plate/oil recipe
for factorio version 0.15
CMHModBobEndGame - only rocket changes, no extra/changed plate/oil recipe
Website: none
Pre-requisite mods: boblibrary, bobores, bobplates, bobelectronics, bobpower
Recommended mods: bobmodules, bobtech, bobwarfare
Long description
Bobconfig note
Version history
Specific changes planned or done
Last edited by CMH on Sun May 14, 2017 4:22 pm, edited 25 times in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.30+] CMHMod (my take on balancing Bob's Mods)

Post by Koub »

What exactly are you trying to achieve with that ?
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.30+] CMHMod (my take on balancing Bob's Mods)

Post by CMH »

Sorry, link wasn't working, but fixed.

For your question: basically a harder end-game rocket, and a bit reworked ores-plates to add more smelting options and to remove some less-used metals. The more used metals will provide alternative smelting options to provide less-used metals (kinda like his copper-cobalt recipe).

Back to his copper-cobalt recipe, I found on my playthrough that providing an alternative smelting option that produces faster and higher yield but a drawback of providing something else that doesn't get used much gave a logistics challenge I found quite fun, so I'm expanding on that.

Or in the bigger picture, to just add more use for the extra metals in a big factory. As a side thing I decided to remove some ores as well.

Its not a big mod so I might have put this on the wrong forum. More of something to add on to bob's if you want.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.30+] CMHMod (my take on balancing Bob's Mods)

Post by CMH »

Updated to Version 0.1.0
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Re: [MOD 0.12.30+] CMHMod (my take on balancing Bob's Mods)

Post by daniel34 »

Moved from Mod Compilations / Complete Overhauls to Bob's mods.
Although I don't understand why you even made a second thread just to link to the first one.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.30+] CMHMod (my take on balancing Bob's Mods)

Post by CMH »

I saw the thread saying to move them, create a new thread, report the old thread and it will be done.

But all I got was a comment from a moderator.


Thanks for finally moving it though.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.30+] CMHMod (my take on balancing Bob's Mods)

Post by CMH »

New Version Up
Version 0.1.1

Combined modules stats reduced to 75% of original.
Nickel requirement doubled for advanced lead processing.
Production times for Bob's batteries (Li-ion and ZnO) updated to equal vanilla batteries.
Hydrogen to Solid fuel now requires 3x coal. Slight advantage to use if you have any modules.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.30+] CMHMod (my take on balancing Bob's Mods)

Post by CMH »

Got the fix!

New Version Up
Version 0.1.2

Tidied the code up a bit more - for those who like looking at lines of code. Also easier for future me to edit.

Changed rocket silo ingredients - requires tungsten pipe and advanced electronics now. Decided against changing steel.

If bobwarfare is installed, radar mk 5 is a requirement for satellite instead.

Removed bob-module requirement - Rocket control unit now requires speed module 3 if bobmodule is not installed.

Added option to disable God Modules - If you disable god modules (using bobconfig), Rocket control unit will use Raw speed module 8 instead. Just a reminder that God modules are nerfed in this mod since version 0.0.1[/b] You may disable combined modules too, and use Speed module 8 instead. Just a reminder Combined modules are nerfed in this mod since version 0.1.1

(Previously unknown) Bobtech requirement removed - Titanium Aluminium co-smelting now require Alien science if bobtech not installed.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.30+] CMHMod (my take on balancing Bob's Mods)

Post by CMH »

0.13 update might take awhile.

Been busy for a bit, and I realised I'm having trouble getting Bob's mods working, which means I can't test my mod.

I'll try and get it up before next weekend.
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Re: [MOD 0.12.30+] CMHMod (my take on balancing Bob's Mods)

Post by CMH »

0.13 update is up.

New Version Up
Version 0.2.0

Rocket silo requires tungsten pipe if the right bobmod is installed - not sure which mod tungsten pipe is actually in. Regardless it would work now.

Download can be directly from in-game, or click the link as usual.

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Re: [MOD 0.12.30+] CMHMod (my take on balancing Bob's Mods)

Post by pyrolytic_tungsten »

Building rocket parts is broken because there are 4 ingredients and the rocket silo only supports 3.

To fix add an entity-updates.lua file with

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Re: [MOD 0.12.30+] CMHMod (my take on balancing Bob's Mods)

Post by CMH »

Oooo, that's a big bug.

I'll release a fix asap.

New Version Up
Version 0.2.1

Bugfix: rocket silo should now support 4 ingredients. (I don't have a savegame that far ahead yet for 0.13 to test. Thanks to pyrolytic_tungsten for spotting this bug and the fix.)
Nickel fields removed.
Galena now provides lead ore and nickel ore.
Ratio lead ore:nickel ore reduced - to promote the use of lead solder recipe. Idea is to require both recipes going: lead recipe to produce enough nickel, and tin recipe if nickel production is adequate.
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Re: [MOD 0.13.x] CMHMod (my take on balancing Bob's Mods)

Post by sadris »

Bug maybe? Oversight?

Can't convert stone into silicon until Silicon Processing. Can't get Silicon Processing without Green Science packs. Those require mass quantities wood. Bob's Greenhouse requires glass. Glass requires silicon. Greenhouse is required to mass produce wood.

Running around manually collecting wood to make green science seems... unfortunate.

I think Stone->Quartz should be a base recipe.
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Re: [MOD 0.13.x] CMHMod (my take on balancing Bob's Mods)

Post by CMH »

Hmm... I'll have a look. If what you said is true (looks like you're right) its an oversight on my part.

edit: Yep, its a NEW problem. I'll post a hotfix soon. Making it a base tech isn't exactly what I wanted, so I'm going to create a tech that requires just science-1 to get silicon.

Reason for this is that silicon isn't needed until farther up.

And the reason why this is a new problem is because this mod was created before Bob's Greenhouse mod came out. But either way it shouldn't be hard to unlock.
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Re: [MOD 0.13.x] CMHMod (my take on balancing Bob's Mods)

Post by CMH »

New Version Up
Version 0.2.2

Quarts from stone is now a base recipe.
Synthetic wood now removed from game. Oil will produce wood. Reduces the number of recipes a little, as well as simplifying your production line if you use both wood and synthetic wood. (known issue of polishing wheel still showing synthetic wood recipe. Normal wood recipe will usable).
Rocket fuel now requires nitroglycerin if relevant mod is installed (bob's warfare).
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Re: [MOD 0.13.x] CMHMod (my take on balancing Bob's Mods)

Post by StormTAG »

Has anyone tried this with the Angel Ores mod? Does it introduce any issues? I'd love for the end game to be even more challenging than I have now.
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Re: [MOD 0.13.x] CMHMod (my take on balancing Bob's Mods)

Post by CMH »

I'll try it and see if any issues pop up

Won't let me start factorio: something about "angel-fissures".

Happy to fix if someone can point out what the cause is.
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Re: [MOD 0.13.x] CMHMod (my take on balancing Bob's Mods)

Post by Aonova »

Angel's Ores (or was it refining?) has a new map spawning resource called ground fissures for obtaining thermal water. It may be something to do with map spawning conflicts?
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Re: [MOD 0.13.x] CMHMod (my take on balancing Bob's Mods)

Post by CMH »

I can try running it with just bob's mods. I have mucked around with spawning, but its a couple of bob's ores.

On top of that, my mod is mostly about the recipes. I have changed some recipes, if Angel hasn't changed any of the recipes I've changed (check the original post for list of changes) theoretically it should work.
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Re: [MOD 0.13.x] CMHMod (my take on balancing Bob's Mods)

Post by StormTAG »

I put yours into the mix. I'll write back if I notice any issues.

For the note, I'm also running Marathon and the Science Cost Overhaul, which have affected a lot of the recipes. Any known issues with either of those?
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