Tweaked graphics for Bob's Electronics

Some mods, made by Bob. Basically streaks every Factroio-area.

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Tweaked graphics for Bob's Electronics

Post by Darloth »


Someone recently said that they'd like to see different graphics for Bob's Electronics.

As it happens, I made some different graphics for Bob's Electronics.

Here they are. For the moment I'm just linking the images directly, so you can download them and overwrite the appropriate graphics files in the original mod. I'll do my best at arranging the file system so that it just unpacks on top, if you unzip Bob's Electronics and then this zip.

The graphics themselves are also linked so you can have a look.

These are all derivative works from Bob's original graphics, so any rights to them fall to him.

If you like this style, please let me know and I might make more. I think the higher tier things need a lot less tweaking to look ok, but I could still do a fair bit to the wooden boards (a light wood texture perhaps) to make them less... flat. Additionally, I did have plans for some golden style electronic contacts on the edge of the blue and green boards, and generally just making them a bit less square.
The collected graphics together
(5.65 KiB) Downloaded 119 times
phenolic-board2.png (758 Bytes) Viewed 1355 times
electronic-circuit-board2.png (1.56 KiB) Viewed 1355 times
circuit-board2.png (1.22 KiB) Viewed 1355 times
basic-electronic-circuit-board2.png (596 Bytes) Viewed 1355 times
basic-circuit-board2.png (339 Bytes) Viewed 1355 times
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