Letter of appreciation, and curiosity about the development!

Some mods, made by Bob. Basically streaks every Factroio-area.

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Letter of appreciation, and curiosity about the development!

Post by Zec »

Hey Bob! I'm new on the Factorio forums, but I've been playing your mods for a while. I realized today that there had been some new releases since I installed my current versions of your mods. I knew that you had been working on these mods for quite a long while now so it surprised me that there were new things happening! Many mod creators unfortunately get bored with keeping the mods updated, but you're apparently still active on the development and very active on the forums. Are the mods still in any major development? Do you have any fun upcoming plans for new features? :)

Thanks for an awesome modpack! Bobs mods has brought me exactly the kind of extension of basic Factorio that I wanted!
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Re: Letter of appreciation, and curiosity about the development!

Post by bobingabout »

Thanks for the apreciation.
On a side note, I saw your name and thought of the Firengi Grand Nagus from Startrek DS9. His name was Zek.

Most of the developement on my mods is currently based on bug fixing, ballancing, tidying up the code, and completing things that are unfinished. The last one being the current major point. The 2 main unfinished things I am looking at include Module Productivity filters, so that productivity modules can be used on the correct intermediates when you either do not have my modules mod, or you do and have turned on the intermediates filtering... and Technologies that do not list all the prerequisites, which currently results in you able to research some things you can't make yet.

Another major drive is to make them more friendly to some other mods... although the progress there is two fold, because in some cases making it friendler with one mod, makes it less friendly to another. The current big oops there is with the RSO, the current release of bobores and RSO will spawn all of my ores even if they otherwise would be disabled without the RSO. I think RSO is going to add a fix for this by adding a check to see if basegame style autoplace data exists before trying to generate it.

Currently in developement: Well, cleaning up the ores mod is a big task, but that's not to fix the RSO issue, it's a compatabillity thing with other mods, to allow other mods to turn ores on. As such, all ores in bobores will be disabled by default (and can be turned on in it's config file) and are turned on by bobplates by default.
The other big addition is a 3rd type of battery in the plates mod. I will be altering all the recipes that use batteries in my mods to make use of these new batteries.

Eventually, I will get back to the warfare progress... there may be new tanks, and a rewrite of the combat robot tree (with more tiers) in the future.

I think that's everything worth mentioning for now. Enjoy!
Creator of Bob's mods. Expanding your gameplay since version 0.9.8.
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Re: Letter of appreciation, and curiosity about the development!

Post by orzelek »

Side note: RSO is fixed already to recognize ores properly.
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Re: Letter of appreciation, and curiosity about the development!

Post by bobingabout »

orzelek wrote:Side note: RSO is fixed already to recognize ores properly.
oh, thanks, I wasn't aware it had been updated already.
Creator of Bob's mods. Expanding your gameplay since version 0.9.8.
I also have a Patreon.
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