It'll be a Py mod.Euroseph wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2019 3:26 am Hi. New guy here.
I went through the conflicting mods list and narrowed it down to the electronics mod, but here's the error script:
Failed to load mods: Error while running setup for recipe prototype "advanced-circuit" (recipe): Duplicate item ingredients are not allowed (solder exists 2 or more times)
Mods to be disabled:
- bobelectronics
- pyhightech
- bobassembly
- bobelectronics
- pyhightech
- pyrawores
Not completely sure why it's showing two of some mods (I checked, and I have one of each installed)
I even went into the sprite folder and solder only shows up once on the bobelectronics mod file, so it beats me on what's causing this.
Any help is appreciated!
Bob's Electronics completely redefines the recipe for "advanced-circuit" in the data stage, then adds solder if it exists in the data-updates stage, HOWEVER, it uses my library which has a function that checks if an item exists before adding it. depending which version I use, it will either increment the number of solder required (add_ingredient), or just not do anything if it exists (add_new_ingredient). I'm not sure which I've used in this case.
Py's mods on the other hand don't use my library. I've not really looked into how his mods go about adding new ingredients, but basically, it sounds like he's just performing a table.insert function (adding a new ingredient) without checking if it exists first. This kind of error is exactly why my library does what it does, and is used for all adding/removing items from recipes in my mods.