in all honesty... Modules is probably due for an overhaul. The Science system it uses was an experiment, and I no longer like it, and the degree of control you have over changing the stats is a bit limited.ptx0 wrote: Sat Feb 22, 2020 7:22 pm we play without bobmodules usually because they are too overpowered - the defaults seem way out of whack, are raw really enabled by default?
like many others, i feel they would be better balanced as they are by Seablock, so that the top 8th tier is slightly less powerful than a tier 3 vanilla module. this would make it a more gradual progression curve and help avoid the problems of overpowered productivity modules. why are there extra beacons at all? they aren't a UPS sink, right?
but when playing without bob modules, there is an off balance in the consumption of sodium hydroxide and there is no way to dispose of it. this is worse when playing with bobrevamp, bobtech, and bobelectronics but not bobmodules because the main sink of NaOH I now realise on our current playthrough (WITH bobmodules) is the module cases.
so to me now there is no point in playing without the bobmodules because otherwise the balance is incredibly thrown off, but with the bobmodules, play through progression feels wrong.
Further, it's basically the same as it was in 0.12, the only updates it's received over the years is just to make it work in newer versions.