[MOD 0.18] ShinyBobGFX

Some mods, made by Bob. Basically streaks every Factroio-area.

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[MOD 0.18] ShinyBobGFX

Post by Zombiee »

Title: ShinyBobGfx
Short Desc: Revamp of ShinyBobs but only including the updated graphics.
Factorio Version: 0.18
Mod State: Beta
Dependencies: Base, bob's library
Author: Zombiee

Basically of revamp of the original ShinyBobs graphics since it appears to be no longer maintained. Graphic modifications to color code entities in a semi consistent manner. No recipe changes or quality of life changes. Also no config or settings at this time.

Most of the original graphics have been reused, a handful of the new Hi Res items have been recolored and added.
A few items are missing but I plan to add.
Entity.png (1.95 MiB) Viewed 26598 times
Circuits.png (121.28 KiB) Viewed 26598 times
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Re: [MOD 0.15] ShinyBobGFX

Post by Galindril »

I've got such an error...
sprite.jpg (21.69 KiB) Viewed 26550 times
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Re: [MOD 0.15] ShinyBobGFX

Post by Zombiee »

I used some hi res graphics as default, if your settings for sprite resolution is not High then it crashes. I'll work on some low res stuff to match.

In the meantime, you can change your Settings > Graphics > Sprite Resolution = High and it should load fine.
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Re: [MOD 0.15] ShinyBobGFX

Post by jodokus31 »

In order to let the game be restartable again to change the setting to high-res, I've done the following:
Find file .../mods/mod-list.json and edit to disable the mod temporary
"name": "ShinyBobGFX",
"enabled": false
BTW: Thanks for update.

The only problem is, that my system performs not very well with hi-res sprites. I think, i have to switch back for now...
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Re: [MOD 0.15] ShinyBobGFX

Post by bigyihsuan »

Zombiee wrote:I used some hi res graphics as default, if your settings for sprite resolution is not High then it crashes. I'll work on some low res stuff to match.

In the meantime, you can change your Settings > Graphics > Sprite Resolution = High and it should load fine.
Could you just resize the sprites to a lower resolution, and keep the big ones for high res?

My laptop can't handle high res vanilla graphics, much less modded high res graphics.
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Re: [MOD 0.15] ShinyBobGFX

Post by Zombiee »

Could you just resize the sprites to a lower resolution, and keep the big ones for high res?
Sort of maybe? I'm not sure how to resize them, but I will be adding recolored versions of the low res originals. That should fix things as far as graphics settings go.
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Re: [MOD 0.15] ShinyBobGFX

Post by TheSAguy »

Thanks for keeping this mod going!
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Re: [MOD 0.15] ShinyBobGFX

Post by Zombiee »

I have a build that allows for lower graphics settings, but the mod portal is not being friendly with me at this time. It will be a fun adventure to see how many releases I push before one successfully uploads. If it wasn't so large, I'd try attaching to the post.

For those for whom the original release works, please let me know of anything funky.

In the release that won't upload I've added some low res versions of steam engine and assemblers as well as correcting the alignment of all the steam engines. Working on low res miners and electronic assemblers.
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Re: [MOD 0.15] ShinyBobGFX

Post by Zombiee »

New version uploaded finally. More graphics, existing look better (to me), smaller size AND you don't need to use high sprite resolution.
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Re: [MOD 0.15] ShinyBobGFX

Post by bigyihsuan »

Zombiee wrote:New version uploaded finally. More graphics, existing look better (to me), smaller size AND you don't need to use high sprite resolution.
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Re: [MOD 0.15] ShinyBobGFX

Post by Zombiee »

WaiTex temporary fix:

FighterFluid pointed out that if you change the info.json file in WaiTex you can make them both be on. For things like power poles where they are low res in the base game, doing this means you get my low res colorations and ignore WaiTex's hi res version.


Code: Select all

"dependencies": ["base >= 0.13.00"],

Code: Select all

"dependencies": ["base >= 0.13.00",
"? ShinyBobGFX >= 0.15.7"],
EDIT - It seems me using data-final-fixes for my changes was a problem. 0.15.9 version up now should remove the need for this fix at all.
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Re: [MOD 0.15] ShinyBobGFX

Post by Zombiee »

New update is up.

More things (belts, pipes, splitters, inserters) in hi res and updating the low res graphic to the newer low res graphics

Most notable is that when connecting Bob's pipes to buildings and to different colored pipes the seam is in the correct position and doesn't look odd.
Fixed Pipe Example

I believe I've got all the buildings done that looked the same across tiers. Anything I missed? Any buildings that Bob colored that don't match mine that you really want done?
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Re: [MOD 0.15] ShinyBobGFX

Post by Kryzeth »

My small issue posted on the mod portal here, basically about the last two tiers of bobs belt not following the usual Gray -> Yellow -> Red -> Blue -> Purple -> Green, as the Faster Belt is Green and the Extremely Fast Belt is Purple. Backwards! Also, Bobs Power has up to tier 3 heat exchangers, which could possibly be recolored in some way as well. Just a small request!
And on an unrelated note...
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Re: [MOD 0.15] ShinyBobGFX

Post by Zombiee »

Thank you for the praise and feedback. Getting feedback is like pulling teeth sometimes.

I will agree that I don't love the pattern breaking of the belts with the shiny colour progression. The problem I'm used to the existing colours and reversing them feels odd, very similar to the changing of the colour progression of assembling machines bothered some ( I added an option to disable that ). It's not particularily difficult to do so I will add an option to make the belts follow the pattern just because you asked, that one will be default 'off' though.

As for icons, I had hopes that the bob's alternative textures mod would do all the work on ones that annoy me but that appears to not be the case. So robot parts are very much on my radar as I hate them. Please, share suggestions of specific things that annoy you ... I may not do them but I might. Middle ground, I might just use my power-bars for tier from ShinyAngelGFX (which I'm currently adding to ShinyBobGFX as an option)

As for actual entities that ARE the focus of the mod ... oops. I forgot the heat exchangers. Totally forgot them. On my list now, anything else I missed? On my list are the heat exchangers, laser turrets, sniper turret and gun turrets (mostly because the overlay is misaligned on the laser/sniper) so I might as well change the color while I'm at it.

Your unrelated pic of the crafting menu is indeed pleasing, however there is a clear lack of Angels or Omni thus I must proclaim 'Heresy!'


Will swap the belts as an optional thing.
Might do icons - suggestions?
Forget heat exchangers existed somehow, anything else?

Bonus question - There is one building which breaks the colour pattern (kinda) because I thought it looked cool, did you find it?
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Re: [MOD 0.15] ShinyBobGFX

Post by Kryzeth »

No problem! I've loved this mod for the longest time; necessary to do anything with bobs (and angels, with the other gfx mod). And yes, I did notice that update a while back; thought it was odd at first, but it most definitely grew on me over time. Although personally, I hardly ever get far enough to be using blue belt, let alone purple or green, so I can't say I would be affected by that change as much. I wonder how many people would even notice?

There actually was a longer list of icons that didn't match, but I decided against saying anything, because they didn't exactly fit the trend of the mod as it was. It mostly affected physical entities in the production and logistics tabs, so bringing up the robots (which are absolutely dreadful... lol), different turrets, and even locomotives and vehicle equipments, felt unnecessary and somewhat selfish. After messing around with icons in my own mod for compatibility with this one, I know how much work it can be. It's not exactly hard, but just tedious, repetitive, and time consuming; especially if you have to recolor the sprites from scratch. All I had to do was shrink yours by about 80% lmao.

I.. honestly never liked the alternative graphics mod. I purposely stayed away from that one. I used it waaay back in like v0.13 or v0.12 when it was the only option, but I always felt the graphics were... blurry. Imperfect. Smudgy? They weren't as crisp and smooth as the vanilla icons, so they felt completely out of place. I don't know if they "fix" any other icons, but there are... quite a lot of icons which could be altered for clarity, mostly in the warfare tab. I'll put specifics in a spoiler, since... there's really a lot lmao.
List of things
Though again, most of these are in the warfare tab, and not entities, so most can probably be ignored. Although maybe I can help? I'm pretty free, and I do have Photoshop. The coding bit, however... not as easy to collab on. Better just one person for code consistency. Maybe I can copy paste a few lines for you, and just send them over. I definitely wanna see this mod become even better :D
Zombiee wrote:however there is a clear lack of Angels or Omni thus I must proclaim 'Heresy!'
LOL I just screen capped that during my mod testing, so I could see if all of the icons lined up properly, and that I didn't miss anything. Since my mini machines have nothing to do with angels or omni, I hadn't included them in the testing (they might extend loading times). I probably should redo the image to see how it meshes with angels and omni. Though I only use angels refining and omni matter, so the crafting menu won't be as cluttered as it might otherwise be, with the full ABZ suite =P

* BONUS * Well if you count roboports and robochests as buildings, they definitely don't fit the pattern, but as your mod doesn't touch them, that might not be purposeful. I'm gonna assume you meant the water pumpjacks that use a dark -> light blue color scaling which is definitely awesome. But I tend to have those disabled (as seen in the picture)
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Re: [MOD 0.15] ShinyBobGFX

Post by Zombiee »

Kryzeth wrote:I wonder how many people would even notice?
Fair, I might not actually notice either. I'll still make it an option though, slightly more work but then it's reversible.

The alternative texture mod I was referring to was https://mods.factorio.com/mods/Necripto ... s_gfxtweak. They do some circuits which I then override. But they also redo robots and most of the warfare tab, you should absolutely give it a look. Unfortunately they don't seem to be doing more ..

As for icons, changing them generally doesn't fit the scope of the mod as it stands but they fall short of my personal line in the sand of actually changing anything non-cosmetic so it's something I'm willing to futz with.
I'll have to take a closer look at the equipment (personal and vehicle), not sure about them. The concern on the labs is the icons and not the buildings? I can see that, pretty easy to do too. Vehicles themselves I agree totally that they're a nightmare, I was already planning on moving the mk1 orphans to live with the rest in their tab so it makes sense to fix them then too.

Robots are a funny thing. The mod I mentioned did a wonderful job on the robots themselves even though the color progression is random. The buildings related to robots don't match my progression but I've been resistant to change because they are already easy to differentiate. The parts I HATE - will fix, was just hoping that that other mod would have already done it.

Help? If you have the interest/skill to create new icons for some of the problem items I'm certainly willing to roll them into Shiny if I like them. PM me. If it's just help coding/recoloring, not really worth it.

Bonus - The boilers skip purple because I thought the green fire was cool.
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Re: [MOD 0.15] ShinyBobGFX

Post by Kryzeth »

...I somehow completely forgot that items are more than just icons, and that their entities also had to be recolored. Since my mini machine mod just copies the entities themselves (after they've already been changed), the only difference I had noticed was with icons, so was the only thing I focused on when making that list. I forgot that your mod is more focused on the buildings themselves. Oops x_x
Zombiee wrote:I was already planning on moving the mk1 orphans to live with the rest in their tab so it makes sense to fix them then too
Ughh, thank god I am not the only person who noticed this. The one thing I absolutely HAAAATE about bobs mods, is that the vanilla storage tank, locomotive, and cargo wagons all stay in the vanilla logistics tab, even though the rest are placed in bobs logistics. I've manually fixed this in my personal modpacks for so long, and been hoping that either bob or SOMEBODY would fix them already. On behalf of my sanity, THANK YOU
Zombiee wrote:alternative texture mod
Yup, that's the one I remember. Or at least, I remember those icons. That specific mod itself seems to have been posted in Factorio v0.15, but I'm positive those icons have been used in a similar mod since long before then. Maybe the bot icons are new. If your mod override the electronics icons, then it might be worth a try. I'll see how the game looks with it on, and definitely look forward to whatever update comes from shinybobs in the future :D

I might take you up on that offer then! I'd probably try my hand at the science/module lab icons first, since this problem is the one that stands out to me the most. Unless you beat me to the punch, of course~

*BONUS* Ahhh, I can't believe I missed that. Somehow, that color skip never even occurred to me! It just fits in too well lol. And the green fire does look pretty sweeet.
Last edited by Kryzeth on Mon Aug 28, 2017 1:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [MOD 0.15] ShinyBobGFX

Post by Mobius1 »

Bug in version 0.15.34:
Failed to load mods:__ShinyBobGFX__/data_updates.lua:36:__ShinyBobGFX__/prototypes/functions/iconchoice.lua:50: attempt to index local 'recipe' (a nil value)

Mods to be disabled:
  • ShinyBobGFX
All mods updated, factorio game updated to latest version, modlist: https://pastebin.com/7w1Z6KJP
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Re: [MOD 0.15] ShinyBobGFX

Post by Zombiee »

That took some doing to recreate. It's a conflict with Laser Turret Range Upgrade somehow, but I'll fix when I figure out what's happening. Thank you for supplying your (rather large) modlist, I would have never recreated that crash without it.
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Re: [MOD 0.15] ShinyBobGFX

Post by Zombiee »

Should all be fixed now in 0.15.26
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