Discription dissapeared after editing infobox

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Discription dissapeared after editing infobox

Post by Iridium »

Hello, I am known as Iridium235 on the wiki.
After editing the infobox, the description disappeared, only the infobox remained. What happened?

Edit: The part I added in was the "recycling result" (2nd last line).
Screenshot 2024-11-30 at 10.10.56 am.png
Screenshot 2024-11-30 at 10.10.56 am.png (1.3 MiB) Viewed 154 times
Screenshot 2024-11-30 at 10.19.29 am.png
Screenshot 2024-11-30 at 10.19.29 am.png (622.93 KiB) Viewed 154 times
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