Remove Repair pack out of Roboport

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Moderator: Bilka

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Remove Repair pack out of Roboport

Post by woodchuck0 »

I want to have more control of my construction robots. So I want to remove repair packs out of the roboport.
The Factorio Wiki says: "Robots and repair packs can be inserted into, or out of, the roboport with an inserter."

I can insert robotsand repair packs and can remove robots. But I cant remove the repair packs. Is there a error in my game or in general?

Thx for help

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Re: Remove Repair pack out of Roboport

Post by Loewchen »

I believe the wiki is wrong, at least I don't remember this ever working and it is not working now. See 76048.

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Re: Remove Repair pack out of Roboport

Post by Bilka »

It didn't work in 0.12, which is old enough for for me to say "it never worked". Furthermore, the version at the time of the change of the wiki page (0.16.51) also doesn't have the functionality. So I assume the wording on the wiki was simply accidentally confusing. I've changed the wiki.
I'm an admin over at Feel free to contact me if there's anything wrong (or right) with it.

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