My Step-By-Step Guide for Lazy Bastard Achievement

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My Step-By-Step Guide for Lazy Bastard Achievement

Post by StarTotino »

111 hand crafts? that's not a lot at all, so here's my guide for how to pull it off.
I have looked at several guides for this and they are seem to be... very lacking. One of them on Reddit says you only need 109 iron at the start, which is wrong (if you want to save yourself the crafting of a second furnace by hand) and cost me half an hour of my life restarting my game.

Follow these steps exactly, or you're screwed.
DO NOT craft anything unless one of these steps tells you to.
1. Start a new game without any mods. Make sure you never use a Lua command in the console (if you don't know what that is, then you won't accidentally do it) Also: never add mods to the save (this will happen if you load the game with mods enabled)
2. Go to the achievements menu and click the little magnet icon on the bottom of the Lazy Bastard achievement. close the menu
3. place down your burner drill on coal ore.
4. Place a furnace where the coal will automatically go into it from the miner. (this will make the furnace act as a one-stack-o-coal chest)
5. break a tree (WITH YOUR BARE HANDS. DO NOT CRAFT AN AXE. If you crafted one already, quit the game without saving and go play something else because you couldn't even follow the first two sentences in this tutorial)
6. put ONE wood (not two) in the burner drill. The drill will start filling the furnace with coal.
7. Wait a couple moments. Take the coal from the furnace and put it in the burner drill.
8. Wait multiple moments. Take the coal from the furnace and put it in the burner drill.
9. Wait a few moments. Take the coal from the furnace and put it in the burner drill.
10. Wait several moments. Take the coal from the furnace and put it in the burner drill.
11. Don't ask what step 9 is, if you really couldn't guess from 5-8.
12. You should now have between 40 and 100 coal, or more. DO NOT HAVE LESS THAN 40 COAL. If you thought you could have less than 40, reread the first sentence in this post.
13. break your furnace and burner drill with your bare hands. DO NOT CRAFT AN AXE
14. move them to iron ore and place them down like before, the drill going directly into the furnace
15. put 20 coal into the burner drill. This will mine 160 iron ore. (you really only need 122 but you're royally screwed if you do that and a new update made something cost more iron)
16. put 12 coal into the furnace. This will smelt 160 iron ore.
17. note that in unmodded Factorio, iron plates only stack to 100, so take the plates out at least once
18. once you have 160 iron plates, move your furnace and drill to copper ore
19. put 7 coal in the furnace, and 5 coal in the furnace. This will make 56 copper plates
20. At this point, you will start crafting. If you have already crafted even a single item by hand, get the hell out. break your furnace as you will need it to craft.
21. Make sure the furnace is in your inventory so you don't craft a new one as an intermediary, then craft 1 electric pole, 10 red science, 1 science lab, 1 boiler, 1 offshore pump, and 1 steam engine
22. build up your electricity setup with those so you can start researching automation
23. ...I said: start researching automation
24. build an assembly machine
25. change your keybinding setting for crafting: you should be able to set them all (craft 1, craft 5, and craft all) to unassigned, but this might make it so you can't select anything for crafting in an assembly machine. if that's the case, change the binding for craft 1 to ctrl+alt+shift+right+cick. This will keep you from accidentally crafting (hopefully)
26. make everything from here on out in your ONE assembly machine. If you can't make it in the assembly machine 1, then wait (you won't be able to make drills or anything with 3+ ingredients)
27. make 110 gear wheels in the assembly (220 iron (you'll have to get more as well as copper with just the one drill, but you can make more furnaces in the assembly machine now))
28. make 110 red science in your assembly machine
29. research electronics asap
30. research automation 2
31. VERY FLIPPIN' IMPORTANT: once you have automation 2 researched, craft the ingredients for it IN THE ASSEMBLY MACHINE so that when you craft it, it will only count as one craft.
32. break your assembly machine as you need it as an ingredient for the new one
33. craft your assembly machine 2 by hand (you'll have to change the binding back, or, if you set it to ctrl+alt+shift+click, then use that) MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ALL THE INGREDIENTS ALREADY IN YOUR INVENTORY
34. change the binding back to unassigned if needed
35. make more assembly machines using your assembly machine 2
36. Later in the game, you will need to get an oil refinery. Do this the same way you got the first assembly machine 2: craft all the ingredients in assembly machines and craft just the actual oil refinery by hand
37. Note: after your first oil refinery, you can make assembly machines 3 that will allow you to craft oil refineries in them so you only have to make one by hand
38. If you accidentally craft something by hand, go back to the last autosave.
39. Since you need to win the game (launch a rocket) to get this achievement, you can also get more achievements along with this one by never, ever, crafting solar panels, laser turrets, or active provider or requester chests. (if you do by accident, go to the most recent autosave)
40. after you launch a rocket, you get those achievements so you can now build solar panels and craft whatever the hell you want, so reset the binding for crafting and make yourself 166,667 solar panels to get the 10 GJ solar power achievement
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Re: My Step-By-Step Guide for Lazy Bastard Achievement

Post by Minbaru »

Maybe remark that when you follow this guide, you have crafted 106 items?
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Re: My Step-By-Step Guide for Lazy Bastard Achievement

Post by DaveMcW »

Protip: Go to Options -> Settings -> Controls and rebind everything to Ctrl + Alt (+ Shift) + Mouse button. Now you won't misclick.
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Re: My Step-By-Step Guide for Lazy Bastard Achievement

Post by Das_Geek »

You can also use the /permissions console command to prevent yourself from crafting. Note that this does NOT disable achievements.
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Re: My Step-By-Step Guide for Lazy Bastard Achievement

Post by Krazykrl »

Das_Geek wrote: Sat Nov 10, 2018 4:14 pm You can also use the /permissions console command to prevent yourself from crafting. Note that this does NOT disable achievements.
Yep... I 100% reccommend this method.

Open the permissions window, make a new type and keep everything enabled. In the default profile, UNcheck hand crafting... this way if you don't forget to change your keybinds back, you'll still get to handcraft. AND as a bonus, if you want friends to join; they BY DEFAULT cannot craft and ruin your progress towards this achievement by accident.
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