feedback on spaceships after making it to the edge

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Long Handed Inserter
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feedback on spaceships after making it to the edge

Post by Rauschkind »

i loved spaceships, like all of the expansion for the most part.
i like that the expansion and spaceships made me use circuits.

however, this changed with the ships i need to build to survive at the system edge or bejond.
there is the shier size and complexity of the system that takes forever to design. and if a design fails, due to the cramped space and difficulty to build a ship that is scalable or upgradeble (because the didmensions are kinda set in stone by the collectors at the edge) will require a complete new design.
there is also the fact, that with my not-to-shabby-tho-not-great circuit skills, i need 6 combinators to control my crushers and the dump insters - per chunk type.
i know precisely what i want to do logically. i am quite sure i have the combinators setup correctly. but incramped space, wiring them together is just a total pita, because its really hard to read the graphic, its easy to misclick, and mistakes are almost impossible to correct because of the just mentioned difficutly to make sense of a setup.
and thats just the crushers. controlling the collectors and feeding belts also becomes quite important at that point.

so, this all results in me now building a spaceship for days and days. i am tired of it. yes, i love spaceships. but my factorio gameplay has come to a total halt. its all factorio editor spaceship designer at this point, and quite frankly, i start to hate it.

at least give me a deconstruction blueprint filter for wires. i wont ask for an "else" funktion because i am sure this has been discussed thorougly in the years past.
i would also suggest to somehow reduce the needed complexety for end game.
what really does it provide anyhow? i am - painfully - now designing this super complex convoluted thingy. but i can assure you, i will likely never ever do that again. it will become a permanent blueprint (where i usually like to only use game blueprints) a trauma, and thats it for that part of the game.

so, quite a rant. because this could easily be taken wrongly: i love the expansion. i just think the requirements for the endgame spaceship are off, spaceships in general could do with reduced complexity, and wiring now really could use as much qol as you can cram into them.
Long Handed Inserter
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Re: feedback on spaceships after making it to the edge

Post by HadesSupreme »

You don't *need* circuits to handle asteroid processing
11-15-2024, 17-07-04.png
11-15-2024, 17-07-04.png (2.17 MiB) Viewed 830 times
Inserters put chunks on the inside lane initially, they go around once, are sideloaded into the outside lane, then any overflow on the side load will cause the outside lane to be ejected.
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Re: feedback on spaceships after making it to the edge

Post by GrumpyJoe »

I'm mentally writing up a post about space for a week now. Just know that you are not alone.

Playing tight spot without being there, running around cleaning up belts, sucks.

If you search my post history, you'll see me very sceptical over the last weeks.
I found out it's all about what's in between the planets. I love every planet, all the mechanics.
I don't agree with some balancing decisions, but that's nothing I can't mod away after I finished the game.

But I hate the space minigame.
Everything that's needed to travel safely is frustrating me.
Because it's distracting from Factorio.
Long Handed Inserter
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Re: feedback on spaceships after making it to the edge

Post by KuuLightwing »

I feel like the big issue is that the victory ship is essentially useless once you "win", as you need a completely different design for prometheum farming. Just getting to solar system edge grants no benefits at all (and whether prometheum science is exciting or not is also a bit of a question, as it's only used for one research, and prometheum itself also isn't used for anything else)
Long Handed Inserter
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Re: feedback on spaceships after making it to the edge

Post by HadesSupreme »

KuuLightwing wrote: Sat Nov 16, 2024 10:54 am I feel like the big issue is that the victory ship is essentially useless once you "win", as you need a completely different design for prometheum farming. Just getting to solar system edge grants no benefits at all (and whether prometheum science is exciting or not is also a bit of a question, as it's only used for one research, and prometheum itself also isn't used for anything else)
Yeah, post-game research is quite a letdown when it comes to what you need. I feel like after a few tiers of repeatables research should require more of the various pack types, until needing prometheum for most/all repeatables.
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