Elevated rails behind purple science??

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Elevated rails behind purple science??

Post by Alyssa333 »

I was excited to finally try elevated rails and what do I found... they're behind purple science!! which means I have to design my rail station and network the "Old way" only to have to tear it down later in the game... it's really annoying having to design something knowing you'll have to tear it down because for some reason one of the new fundamental new features is locked behind a science pack at which point most of the rail network is already laid down...

Locking elevated rails behind purple science is like locking underground belts behind blue science - it sucks, horribly so.

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Re: Elevated rails behind purple science??

Post by GrumpyJoe »

I haven´t even looked at it, because i wanted to try the achievment where you first unlock a planetary science before purple/yellow
I might forget about that and looking at it it kinda feels stupid, but its only 100, so kinda easily optainable by a starter base.
Still feels odd tho.
But if we are talking about moving it to blue, one might as well say make it green like everything else rail related and be done with it. /shrug
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