Search wildcards

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Search wildcards

Post by Local_Engineer_1596 »

How they work according to microsoft: ... 897c87b3f4
TLDR - ? for single letter, # for single digit, * for any string of text, [a-g] for a range of cahracters

Seems that factorio has fuzzy search by default but there are some (rather niche) occurances where having more control over search wildcard options would help out - in my case it is filtering out similar rich text train station names in the context of a modded playthrough

Specific example:
Un-riched(poor?) text - item=angels-ore1; item=angels-ore2; item=angels-ore1-crushed; item=angels-ore3-chunk
I want to filter only the first two options, but exclude the other ones - searching for "[item=angels-ore#]" should work best

I've tried to use the wildcard options but to no success
Does factorio support them, and if yes, then how do I properly use them?

If not, then maybe search could auto detect if user intends to use strict wildcards based on the presence of wildcard operators, provided it doesn't interfere with rich text
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Re: Search wildcards

Post by BicycleEater »

To my knowledge there is no wildcarding in Factorio searches.
The reason I commented was to note there are lots of different systems of wildcards, of which Microsoft's is only one.
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