I am wondering if I need to consider preserving my current installation of Factorio. I enjoy and know the game well in it current form. While I am looking forward to the new expansion I am mildly concerned that I will want to be able to play the current form of the game after the expansion comes out too.
I noted your comment in FF #373 "This implies that technically, you could just take your vanilla base, activate the expansion, and continue playing. But the best way to experience it will be to play with Space Age from start to finish" so I dont know if preserving "1.0" is necessary (or 1.187 in my case) nor how I could do that. Could I purchase a second copy of the game with the Expansion? Could I set it so that the Expansion can be added or removed (like a game profile)? Do I need to?
Thanks again for a great game. It has given me many many hours of enjoyment.